題名: A Visual Interface Design for Search Results from Multiple Search Engines
作者: Wang, Sheng-Shun
Yang, heng-Zen
Chen, Ing-Xiang
關鍵字: information visualization
interface design
Web search engine
期刊名/會議名稱: 中華民國92年全國計算機會議
摘要: Because of the explosively growing amount of information on the World Wide Web, it is a time-consuming task to find the demanded information. Although many search engines exist to help users search for the information, most of them reveal limited information, because they show the search results in list-based interfaces, and users need to check each entry to have a clear view of the search results. In this paper, a visual interface is proposed to display the search results collected from multiple back-end search engines and to help users discover important information. A prototype has been implemented, and it visualizes the search results from six popular search engines. Two kinds of information are further visualized: hyperlink reference relationships and whether some pages are of a same site. In the aspect of information exhibition, the visual interface can help users reduce the time of seeking the relevant results. It can be applied to help users search for information efficiently
日期: 2006-05-30T08:22:25Z
分類:2003年 NCS 全國計算機會議

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