題名: The Compositive Analysis of Two-component Regulatory Systems in Bacterial Genome
作者: Huang, Tze-Wei
關鍵字: Two-component regulatory system
composite analysis
functional domains
pro¯le hidden Markov models
期刊名/會議名稱: 中華民國92年全國計算機會議
摘要: Most bacteria adapt to their surroundings by means of "two-component regulatory sys- tems". Bacterial infections remain one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortal- ity of humans in the world. The investi- gation of two-component regulatory systems would greatly contribute to the understand- ing of bacterial physiology and pathogenesis. A two-component regulatory system is com- posed of several functional domains. Pro¯le hidden Markov models are probably the most popular application of hidden Markov models in molecular biology at the moment. By ap- plying pro¯le HMMs technology, we propose methods to report and recognize the posi- tions and types of two-component regulatory systems in bacterial genomes by constructing and integrating similarity scores and Bayesian posterior probabilities of functional domains.
日期: 2006-06-08T02:40:07Z
分類:2003年 NCS 全國計算機會議

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