DC 欄位 | 值 | 語言 |
dc.contributor.author | 林昱梅 | |
dc.contributor.other | Yuh-May Lin | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2020-08-25T06:50:34Z | - |
dc.date.available | 2020-08-25T06:50:34Z | - |
dc.date.issued | 2012/09/19 | |
dc.identifier.issn | 1682-587N | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://dspace.fcu.edu.tw/handle/2376/2344 | - |
dc.description.abstract | 本文以危害防止法為橫軸,行政救濟為縱軸,以營業法為例,介紹德國危害防止法之基本理論及有關危害防止之行政救濟,並佐以判決實例說明之。本文對於有關危害防止之暫時性權利保護,多加著墨,因為,一方面危害防止措施常講求效率,否則危害擴大,對公眾或個人可能產生無法回復之損害。另一方面,危害防止措施本身若違法,對人民基本權利將產生侵害,此時,人民對抗違法之危害防止措施,雖有權利救濟之途徑,但是,可能尚未等到法院判決確定,講求效_x000D_ 率之危害防止措施早已實施,而人民權利可能已經受到無法回復之損害,即使事後經法院確認該危害防止措施違法,亦無濟於事。因此,對抗行政機關違法之危害防止措施,暫時性權利保護是必要之權利保全手段。於台灣尚未建立完整之危害防止法體系之際,瞭解他國如何建立健全之危害防止法體系,及相關行政救濟制度之運作,對於台灣將來危害防止法上之發展或許有相當之激盪與助益。筆者希望能透過本文,對於我國危害防止法體系及相關行政救濟制度之建立提供參考。 | |
dc.description.sponsorship | 逢甲大學 | |
dc.format.extent | 32 | |
dc.language.iso | 中文 | |
dc.relation.ispartofseries | 逢甲人文社會學報 | |
dc.relation.isversionof | 第一期 | |
dc.subject | 危害防止 | |
dc.subject | 行政救濟 | |
dc.subject | 營業法 | |
dc.subject.other | danger prevention | |
dc.subject.other | administrative remedy | |
dc.subject.other | business law | |
dc.title | 德國營業法上之危害防止措施及行政救濟 | |
dc.title.alternative | Administrative Measure on Danger Prevention and its Remedy Procedure in German Business Law | |
dc.type | 期刊篇目 | |
dc.description.translationabstract | This Article is confined to issues concerning government’s measure on danger_x000D_ prevention and its administrative remedy procedure. Specifically, the discussion of_x000D_ this Article is based upon the preventive danger regulations on German business law. At the same time, some of the topics will be explored with reference to German case law._x000D_ To enforce its police and regulatory powers to promote and protect public safety, government has the right to take effective measures to supervise and regulate the practice of the business community. In light of the rapid development of trade activities and the risk inherent in modern society, the main trend in administrative_x000D_ business law is to adopt restrictive measures to prevent imminent and potential dangers resulting from improper business activities. Consequently, this Article will first review the administrative measures on danger prevention in the context of_x000D_ business practice._x000D_ Although restrictive administrative measures have been traditionally justified on the basis that their purpose is to protect the safety of the state's citizens, the court should provide people with adequate remedy procedure to question the legality of the administrative action. Especially, in some circumstances, enforcement of_x000D_ administrative measures will run the risk of letting people suffer immediate irreparable harm. Thus, there is the need to create a temporary right protection mechanism. For example, the court should grant an injunction to suspend the_x000D_ enforcement of administrative measures. Administrative remedy proceeding in_x000D_ general and temporary right protection mechanism in particular are the main focuses of this Article._x000D_ Eventually, this Article aims at providing doctrinal background for establishing a unified system of Taiwan government’s measures on danger prevention and its administrative remedy proceeding. | |
分類: | 第01期 |
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