DC 欄位 | 值 | 語言 |
dc.contributor.author | 胡志佳 | |
dc.contributor.other | Chih-Chia Hu | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2020-08-25T06:57:05Z | - |
dc.date.available | 2020-08-25T06:57:05Z | - |
dc.date.issued | 2012/10/17 | |
dc.identifier.issn | 1682-587N | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://dspace.fcu.edu.tw/handle/2376/2418 | - |
dc.description.abstract | 本文嘗試從華芳的墓誌銘重構王浚家族的人口結構,以及了解其如何利用政治投機以及家族、婚姻及朋友三種網絡關係,在西晉時期嶄露頭角的過程。透過該墓誌銘來比對、檢驗正史對王氏的記載,並由其中藉王氏家族的發展,說明西晉以後世家大族,如何透過婚姻關係緊密地結合在一起,並在任何場合都要不斷地將這一網脈宣揚出去,以突顯家族地位的情形。_x000D_ 首先在家族網絡上,王沈依附於叔父王昶這一支族而發展,加上在曹魏末期選擇了支持司馬氏而得以成功,成為晉初開國功勳之一。王浚則因為庶出,自小受到排斥,但在承襲爵位後,開始一步步發展。與父親王沈不同的是,王浚很少得自家族的輔助。王浚利用父親的剩餘政治資本,在西晉政爭日高時,選擇支持賈后,其後藉其自己建立的人際網絡,逐漸稱霸幽、冀。其中包括少數民族、姻親以及控制地區內的世族,這些人在與王浚利益一致時可結合在一起,成為王浚發展的主要支持力量,但當各有關懷與發展時,這些力量即逐漸分散,王浚不免走向滅亡。_x000D_ 由本文可清楚看到魏晉南北朝初期一個家族發展的興迭,有助於吾人了解魏晉南北朝門閥家族的發展。 | |
dc.description.sponsorship | 逢甲大學 | |
dc.format.extent | 22 | |
dc.language.iso | 中文 | |
dc.relation.ispartofseries | 逢甲人文社會學報 | |
dc.relation.isversionof | 第七期 | |
dc.subject | 王浚家族 | |
dc.subject | 墓誌銘 | |
dc.subject | 西晉 | |
dc.subject.other | Wong Gein Clan | |
dc.subject.other | Epitaph | |
dc.subject.other | Western Jin | |
dc.title | 西晉王浚家族的興衰及其人際網絡-由華芳墓誌銘觀察 | |
dc.title.alternative | The Rise and Fall of the Western Jin Wong Gein Clan and His Social and Political Connections-An Observation of the Hua Feng Epitaph | |
dc.type | 期刊篇目 | |
dc.description.translationabstract | This article utilizes the Hua Feng epitaph to reconstruct Wong Gein's family clan and understand how he became a main political player during the Western Jin Dynasty through political opportunism as well as making use of family, marriage, and friends. The Hua Feng Epitaph and historical documents show that, since the_x000D_ Western Jin, aristocratic families had counted heavily on the connection of marriage to strengthen their own political status. The Wong's family clan was a prominent example._x000D_ Wong Cheng, Wong Gein's father, relied mainly on his uncle's clan to start his political career. He then became one of the founding fathers of the Western Jin Dynasty because of his support to Shi Ma at the end of the Tso Wei Dynasty. Wong_x000D_ Gein was rejected by the clan in his childhood since his mother was a concubine. He eventually inherited his father's title and began his political climb but he never gained family support like his own father due to his mother's status in the family. However, Wong Gein used his father's political influence to support Queen Gia during a political rivalry. He established his own political and social network and claimed the_x000D_ Yo and Gee territory. Within the territory, Wong Gein was able to unify the minorities, relatives through marriage, and his clan was his major support at the height of his power. However, the support collapsed when there was a conflict of_x000D_ interest among the supporters later on and ultimately it led to the extinction of his_x000D_ family._x000D_ This article distinctly presents the rise and fall of an aristocratic family during the early Wei Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties and helps us understand the establishment and the progression of the noble families during the Wei Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties. | |
分類: | 第07期 |
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