題名: Energy Policies and Food Prices
作者: Shih-Wen Hu
Li-Ju Chen
Vey Wang
Meng-Yi Tai
Lee-Jung Lu
Chiu-Yue Lin
關鍵字: food price
biomass energy
dynamic adjustment
期刊名/會議名稱: 經濟與管理論叢
摘要: Biomass energy has been regarded as an effective instrument in combatting a high oil price. However, the increased production of biomass energy has raised the demand for agricultural products and led to a global grain deficiency and rising grain prices. This paper discusses the influence of energy policies on the agricultural product price using a macro model that contains the energy demand for agricultural products. The results show that: 1) A rise in the subsidy for agricultural products used for biomass energy will have an ambiguous effect on the agricultural product price and exchange rate in the long run. 2) The rise in the subsidy on agricultural products used for biomass energy will result in a misadjustment of the exchange rate in the short run. 3) When the elasticity of substitution between agricultural products and bonds is extremely large, the rise in the energy tax on fossil fuels will reduce the agricultural product price in the long run. 4) Given the extremely large elasticity of substitution between agricultural products and bonds, increasing the share of biomass energy in total energy will increase the agricultural product price in the short run and reduce the price in the long run.
ISSN: issn18190917
日期: 2015/01/01
分類:第 11卷第1期

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