題名: 以月老廟參拜流程之服務設計專題報告
其他題名: A Case Study of Service Design for the God of Love Visiting
作者: 鄭紫葳
關鍵字: 服務設計
service design
Le Cheng Temple
user journey map
empathy map
service blueprint
系所/單位: 行銷學系, 商學院
摘要: 中文摘要 在現代的情感世代中,有著不確定性、反單一等特質(鄭瓊月&趙柯,2016),能夠擁有一段好姻緣且遇到靈魂伴侶是人一生所盼望之事,想求得姻緣與為情所困的人,都會使用許多方法去達成或是解決問題,而參拜月老是許多人認為最親和與寄託希望的方法。本期末報告選擇樂成宮月老廟為研究對象,目標是運用服務設計方法,從參與者的角度來觀察參拜問題,並提出可能的設計方案。經過小組田野觀察與實際參拜月老後,我們整理出的兩個主要參拜問題:「廟宇流程動線混亂」與「參拜前準備的資訊龐大且說法不一」。本報告運用使用者旅程地圖與人物誌方法等,經過小組腦力激盪討論,提出一套月老廟之手機線上APP闖關遊戲。此闖關遊戲串連每一個樂成宮之神明殿,讓參拜月老過程有趣化且能藉由遊戲更了解參拜過程更深層的意義;此APP包含參拜路線地圖、月老參拜Q&A、線上語音客服即時解答等,提供多功能的服務,幫助使用者順利參拜並得到更好的體驗,讓使用者能夠有效率且有意義的完成參拜月老行程。
Abstract Most people’s ultimate romantic goal is to find their soul mate and have a happy, lasting relationship with them. There are many strategies for helping people who want to develop a good relationship with someone or resolve their relationship issues. In Taiwan, praying to the God of Love is considered the most widely used and intimate method. This paper aims to investigate the process of visiting the God of Love in Le Cheng Temple of Tai Chung and propose a design solution. After observing and participating in the process of visiting God of Love, we identified two significant problems. One is “the correct rout of visiting all gods in different locations is confusing”, and the other is “the ritual information of preparing for visiting the temple is overwhelming and has different opinions.” Therefore, we intended to apply the research method of service design to determine the causes of these issues and to develop a design solution. After adopting the methods of user journey map and persona, we propose a set of APP tools that will make the process of visiting all of the gods less tedious and more informative. In this tool, mission games serve as a mediator for introducing each hall of gods and their respective histories. People could use the map in an application that includes the instructions for locating the temple, FAQs visiting the God of love, and an instant online service for interpreting fortune poems. Through the use of this APP design solution, visitors to the God of Love in Le Cheng Temple can complete the process their visit quickly and have a memorable and meaningful experience.
學年度: 111學年度第一學期
開課老師: 李, 悅端
課程名稱: 體驗與服務設計
系所: 行銷學系, 商學院

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