題名: 廚餘處理系統
作者: 蘇妤蘋
關鍵字: 邏輯控制器
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)
Food Waste Processing System
Environmental Issues
系所/單位: 自動控制工程學系, 資訊電機學院
摘要: 據環保署統計,台灣平均每人一年浪費的廚餘大概是96公斤,全台累計大概浪費220萬公噸的廚餘回收量[1]。在過去這些廚餘幾乎都由養豬戶吸收,但近年來為了防堵非洲豬瘟疫情,農委會宣布對廚餘養豬展開嚴格的檢視,造成廚餘廢棄物大量的堆積,散發出惡臭,對環境造成影響。本專題廚餘處理系統的主要目的是為了有效地將家庭、飯店及療養院等產出的大量廚餘廢棄物進行處理,希望能夠賦予這些廚餘廢棄物新的價值,也減少廚餘廢棄物的大量堆積。在整體架構上本專題使用PLC及Arduino控制各個設備的運作,再將廚餘灌溉系統細分為兩個小系統:(1)廚餘處理系統:將廚餘透過馬達及刀片高速絞碎,再進行高溫烘乾殺菌後轉化成無臭肥料。(2)運輸灌溉系統:將廚餘轉化成植栽的肥料後,透過管線導到需要施肥的植物區。除外,本專題也設計了自動澆水的功能,透過土壤濕度感測器測量土壤的濕度,讓系統進行自動澆水的工作,使得整個系統更為完善,提升灌溉效率,也使得廚餘廢棄物中所含的有機資源得以回收再利用,以達永續發展的目的。
According to statistics provided by the Environmental Protection Administration, the average annual per capita food waste generation in Taiwan stands at approximately 96 kilograms. This translates to an aggregate accumulation of around 2.2 million metric tons of discarded culinary refuse across the nation [1]. Historically, a substantial portion of this food waste was utilized by pig farmers as feed. However, in recent years, due to the heightened risk of African swine fever, the Council of Agriculture has instituted rigorous inspections pertaining to the utilization of kitchen waste as swine feed. Consequently, there has been a notable escalation in food waste accumulation, resulting in noxious emissions and precipitating environmental apprehensions. The principal objective of this project's food waste management system revolves around the efficient processing of the substantial quantum of kitchen waste generated by households, restaurants, and care facilities. The focal aim is to confer fresh value onto this food waste predicament and to mitigate the quandary of its mounting accrual. The overarching system architecture employs PLC and Arduino for the regulation of diversified apparatuses. Further stratification of the food waste irrigation system comprises two distinct subsystems. First and foremost is the Food Waste Processing System: Within this substructure, food waste undergoes rapid shredding via motors and blades, succeeded by high temperature drying and sterilization processes that transmute it into an inodorous compost medium. The second subsystem is the Transport Irrigation System: After the conversion of food waste into compost favorable for plants, this medium is conveyed through pipelines to assigned plantation regions for fertilization purposes. In addition, an automated irrigation feature has been devised. The system gauges soil moisture levels by means of soil humidity sensors, facilitating automated irrigation to amplify irrigation efficiency. This comprehensive blueprint not only enhances the overall system functionality but also optimizes the recycling of organic resources embedded within food waste, thus aligning seamlessly with the tenets of sustainable development.
學年度: 111 學年度第二學期
開課老師: 謝, 男凱
課程名稱: 可程式控制
系所: 自動控制工程學系, 資訊電機學院

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