題名: 基於數位孿生的積體電路生產線模擬與智慧控制技術研究報告
其他題名: Research Report on Digital Twin-Based Simulation and Intelligent Control Technology for Integrated Circuit Production Lines
作者: 李韋宏
關鍵字: 生產線模擬
Digital Twin
Integrated Circuit (IC)
Production Line Simulation
系所/單位: 自動控制工程學系, 資訊電機學院
摘要: 中文摘要 本研究針對積體電路(IC)生產線,結合數位孿生技術與智慧控制策略進行模擬與優化,以應對工業 4.0 與智慧製造快速發展下的挑戰,包括生產流程複雜、設備整合困難、製程控制精度不足,以及產品客製化需求提升等問題。本研究利用 CIROS 軟體與 PLC 梯形圖語言模擬與控制生產線的關鍵製程環節,包括進料分類檢測、翻轉搬運、加工、切割、瑕疵檢測與儲存作業,以期提升生產效率、降低成本並優化資源利用。 研究過程中,設計並建立了包含六個站點的模擬生產線,包括進料分類檢測站、翻轉站、加工站、切割站、瑕疵檢測站與儲料站。透過虛擬生產線的設計,精確模擬實際生產環境,並利用 PLC 程式實現設備協同作業、即時數據監控與製程參數優化,顯著提升產品良率與整體生產效能。模擬結果顯示整體生產線運行流暢,並通過穩定性與負載測試,驗證系統的可靠性與彈性。 實驗結果結果,基於 CIROS 軟體構建的生產線模擬系統在智慧控制策略的輔助下,可實現穩定且高效的運作。數位孿生技術與智慧控制策略的導入,能有效提升生產效率,降低能源消耗與資源浪費,同時具有良好的擴展性與靈活性。本研究不僅驗證了數位孿生技術在積體電路生產線應用中的可行性,亦為智慧製造提供了重要參考。 線模擬中的有效性,亦展示了智慧控制策略對生產流程優化的影響,未來也可擴展應用於其他產業的製造領域。
Abstract This study focuses on the simulation and optimization of integrated circuit (IC) production lines by incorporating digital twin technology and intelligent control strategies. In the context of rapid advancements in Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing, traditional IC production lines face challenges such as complex production processes, difficulties in equipment integration, insufficient precision in process control, and increasing demand for product customization. Utilizing CIROS software and PLC ladder logic programming, this research simulates and controls key stages of the IC production line, including material classification and inspection, flipping and transportation, processing, cutting, defect detection, and storage operations, with the aim of enhancing production efficiency, reducing costs, and optimizing resource utilization. A virtual production line comprising six simulation stations—material classification and inspection, flipping, processing, cutting, defect detection, and storage—was designed and implemented to accurately replicate real-world production environments. Intelligent control strategies were programmed using PLCs to enable equipment collaboration, real-time data monitoring, and process parameter optimization, thereby improving product yield and overall production performance. Simulation results demonstrated smooth operation of the production line, with stability and load testing verifying the system’s reliability and flexibility. The experimental results indicate that the production line simulation system developed using CIROS software, supported by intelligent control strategies, can achieve stable and efficient operation. The integration of digital twin technology and intelligent control strategies effectively improves production efficiency, reduces energy consumption and resource waste, and offers excellent scalability and flexibility. This study not only validates the feasibility of applying digital twin technology in IC production lines but also provides valuable insights for advancing smart manufacturing.
學年度: 113學年度第一學期
開課老師: 陳, 志成
課程名稱: 機電元件模擬
系所: 自動控制工程學系, 資訊電機學院

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