題名: E-commerce in Tourism Industry
作者: 謝德威
關鍵字: e-commerce, websites, tourism, community based tourism, Africa, developing countries, less developed countries
系所/單位: 國際貿易系,商學院
摘要: Tourism sector has grown rapidly and given major contributions to economic development especially for developing and less-developed countries. As internet penetration is increasing, the use of e-commerce can be an effective tool to promote and open up new opportunities in tourism sector. Through the web, even tourism in remote areas can be accessed worldwide, reveal its potential, and become the source of development. Given the importance of e-commerce in tourism, it is essential that tourism organizations adopt e-commerce as their business strategy.
日期: 2009-01-20T09:14:23Z
學年度: 97學年度第一學期
開課老師: 黃焜煌
課程名稱: 電子商務
系所: 國際貿易系,商學院

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