題名: Representing Multiple Mappings between Relational and XML Schemas to Support Interoperability
作者: Chang, Ya-Hui
Lee, Chia-Zhen
關鍵字: schema mapping, ,
XML schema
query transformation
relational schema
期刊名/會議名稱: 2008 ICS會議
摘要: Providing interoperability between relational databases and XML databases has been an important research issue. In this paper, we propose a set of mappings to represent the correspondence between the relational schema and the XML schema. Particularly, we consider the case of multiple mappings between value, collection, and structure constructs. Based on the mapping information, relational queries and XML queries could be transformed to each other and information could be therefore shared. We have built a prototype and experimental results validate the proposed approach.
日期: 2009-02-10T06:47:15Z
分類:2008年 ICS 國際計算機會議

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