題名: 好的廚師可成為好的管理者
其他題名: A Good Cook Can Be a Good Manager
作者: 楊沄蓁
關鍵字: 烹飪技巧
cooking skills
management skills
cook, manager
cooking and management
系所/單位: 外國語文學系,人文社會學院
摘要: 這份研究報告主要是探討烹飪與管理之間的關係。文中一開始便透過法國藍帶廚藝學校的例子來闡述管理在烹飪中的重要性,該校不但開設了許多管理課程,並規定學生必須修滿其中一些管理課程方能畢業。接著,報告內容便分析了幾個用來自我測試自己是否為好廚師的問題,從問題的選項,我們可推測一個人的管理形式大概是如何。報告中的第三部分則是介紹了基本的管理概念與技能,進而將它們與那些在烹飪中所會用到的管理與技能作比較。從此比較中,我們可發現管理與烹飪二者之間有許多的共同之處,也就是說這看似毫無關係的二者之間確實存在著關聯性。然而,即便這二者之間存在著許多關聯性,未來還需作更多的研究與探討,因為我們還是不能很確定地做出「管理能力與烹飪能力的關係是成正比的」或「一個很會做菜的人也很有可能會是個很會管理的人」這樣的結論。
This paper sets out to find the connections between cooking and management. It first mentions the importance of management in cooking by showing that the famous culinary school Le Cordon Bleu, Paris sets several management courses as graduation requirements. This paper then analyzes the questions asking if a person is a good cook, and from the answer choices, a person’s management style can be deduced. In the third part of this paper, it introduces basic management concepts and skills, which are compared with those used in cooking. Through the comparison, many similarities have been found between cooking and management, and that there are indeed links between these two fields that may seem totally unrelated. However, further researches still have to be conducted in this issue because despite the many connections discovered between cuisine and management, it still cannot be concluded with absoluteness that the relationship between cooking and management is directly proportional.
日期: 2012-03-30T09:48:51Z
學年度: 99學年度第二學期
開課老師: 沈薇薇
課程名稱: 英文寫作(六)
系所: 外國語文學系,人文社會學院

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