題名: 置物店市場研究分析
其他題名: Lockers store marketing research
作者: 王瑩嵐
關鍵字: 置物櫃
Marketing research
Focus group interview
Questionnaire Survey
系所/單位: 商學院, 國際貿易學系
摘要: 逢甲大學位於繁榮的逢甲商圈裡,在學期研讀的期間,同學每天所要攜帶的東西不盡相同,有時除了要帶厚重的書籍之外,可能還要攜帶筆記型電腦、活動道具,甚至回家時要背著一大袋行李,而校園裡沒有個人專屬櫃,只有圖書館有置物櫃提供給學生使用,但是學校的置物櫃又有過於髒亂和大小的限制;另外,在學校之外的逢甲商圈,我們也時常能見到觀光客提著大包小包的東西在逛街,因此我們便想在逢甲商圈內,設置一個置物店,不僅能提供旅客和學生臨時置物的服務,另外還考量為逢甲學生設置一個專屬置物櫃,為了確定置物店是否真有市場發展可能性。 我們便分別對逢甲學生和旅客做了個別調查,發放了兩次問卷,第一份問卷是初級問卷,內容是初步了解消費者對於置物店面的基本設置要求是如何、額外服務要求是如何,第二次問卷的內容,是了解顧客對於置物店的需求狀況,兩份問卷發放的型式有實體問卷,也有線上問卷;除了問卷調查之外,我們還分別對逢甲學生和觀光旅客,個別做了焦點團體的訪談,藉此深入了解市場需求,所得到的結論如下: 一、 學生對於置物店有此需求,但是大多都是短暫使用時間,因此學生較不 願意花錢在置物櫃。 二、 極少部分學生,須經常攜帶較多物品,因此願意多花點錢租一個專屬置 物櫃。 三、 旅客對於置物店有此需求。 四、 學生和旅客對於置物店要求的三大要素:置物櫃空間的大小、重視存放 安全以及整潔度。 五、 對於置物櫃鎖匙的要求,大多希望是磁扣。 六、 置物店設置位址,學生希望設置在大門口,旅客則希望近停車場。 此調查在問卷分面和焦點團體訪問中,所得到的結果有所誤差,經研究了解,或許我們所訪問的受訪者不是我們的主要客群,因此受訪結果有所不同。
Abstract Fengchia university is locate in prosperous night market. Students have to carry all kinds of stuff every semesters. Sometimes it would be heavy text books even laptop, students may carry heavy luggage as they go home. Our school doesn’t provide personal Lockers to us. Only in the library can allow students to deposit, but the Lockers in the library may be too messy sometimes. Besides, the tourists would carry lots of stuff when they are shopping. So we want to have our own Lockers store, that we can provide services for our customers in Fengchia night market. We provide not only temporarily deposit services for students and tourists, but also set up personal Lockers for students. To make sure possibility for set up Lockers store, we did two surveys to students and tourists. First, is primary survey, to realize the demands from customers, likes basis decorating of our shop, extra services…etc. Seconds survey is a test for product concept. We did focus group interview and depth interview, so that we can realize the unmet needs of customer. We got conclusion: 1. Students have demands of Lockers store but just temporarily, student may not pay more money on it. 2. A small part of student who have to carry more stuff are willing to pay money for personal Lockers. 3. Tourists have demands on Lockers store. 4. Customers are care about three factors of Lockers store is safety, sanitary, and the size of Lockers. 5. Customer want to use IC cards as keys. 6. The location of Lockers store, students are likely to be near main entrance of school, and tourists want to be near parking lot. There are some different between surveys and focus group interview and depth interview, but we found out that interviewee aren’t our main customers, that’s why it have some different questionnaires and interview.
日期: 2013-04-25T07:54:53Z
學年度: 101學年度第一學期
開課老師: 林呈昱
課程名稱: 行銷研究
系所: 商學院, 國際貿易學系

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