題名: 從眾行為與衝動性購買
其他題名: Conformity behavior and Impulsive Buying
作者: 王訓文
關鍵字: 衝動性購買
Impulsive Buying
Conformity behavior
系所/單位: 商學院,經濟學系
摘要: 衝動性購買在消費者購買行為中是重要的議題,但一直以來學者探討的範圍 大多是產品因素、個人因素或環境因素,鮮少著重於從眾行為對衝動性購買的影響加以討論。本研究透過問卷的方式,探討大學生在日常中的「服飾」購買行為,以實證分析來了解大學生是否會因為從眾行為進而引發衝動性購買,並加入產品因素、個人因素為變數,觀察當中的影響程度,檢視從眾行為是否對衝動性購買存在顯著的影響。 本研究透過因素分析、篩選變數;然後再以信度分析確定資料的一致性與穩定性。最後以統計迴歸分析檢測本文的三項假說是否成立。 經由本研究實證分析結果發現: 1、 從眾因素對於從眾行為有顯著影響為完全成立。 2、產品因素對於從眾行為有顯著差異為完全成立。 3、從眾行為對於衝動性購買行為有顯著影響為完全成立。
Abstract Impulsive Buying is always an essential issue when people talking about purchasing behaviors of consumers. However, researchers have mostly focused on product factor, personal reasons and/or environmental problems. People seldom discuss the influence caused by Conformity Behavior on Impulsive Buying. This paperinvestigatesthe effect of conformity behavioron impulsive buying, by usingquestionnaire from “Clothing Purchase” of university student in daily life. In addition to the variable of conformity behavior, variables of product factor, personal reasons and/or environmental problems are also used to observe their impact. This research was processed through factor analysiswhich allows us to select variables, and reliability analysis to ensure the consistency and stability of data. In the end, regression analysis was employed to verify the three hypotheses mentioned in the essay. Empirical results are as follows: 1、 Hypothesis 1 is confirmed. Meaning that conformity factors have significant impact on conformity behavior. 2、 Hypothesis 2 established. Meaning that the product factors have significant impact on conformity behavior. 3、 Hypothesis 3 established. In other words,conformity behavior has significant impact on impulsive buying.
日期: 2013-04-25T07:55:23Z
學年度: 101學年度第一學期
開課老師: 李文傳
課程名稱: 專題研究
系所: 商學院,經濟學系

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