題名: 認識路
其他題名: Know The Way
作者: 許育榮
關鍵字: 標誌
traffic signs
系所/單位: 機械與電腦輔助工程學系, 工學院
摘要: 隨著世界各地社會經濟成長,加上國民所得相對提高,使得國民持有的車輛數目越來越多,政府也因此開闢新道路越來越多,相較之下交通事故發生機率相對的提高;據統計,交通事故發生中,人為因素發生車禍占了大多數,大部分的人民根本不了解馬路上的標誌、標線所表示的意義,還有一小部分是因為政府督導不周,舊馬路的號誌,沒有因開闢新路而做更新,造成很多誤闖單行道、跨越雙黃線…等等的,也因此更增加發生車禍的機率。倘若人民能清楚路上的標誌、標線與號誌所代表的意義,政府能夠加強巡視道路,或許能夠降低交通事故的發生機率,所以“認識路"是各位用路人重要課題之一。
Abstract More and more with the socio-economic growth around the world, and national income relative to making the national holds a number of vehicles, the government is therefore to open up more and more new roads, and contrast traffic accident incidence is relatively higher; According to statistics, traffic accidents, the human factors accident accounted for the majority, most people do not understand road signs, the meaning of the marking, a small part of the Government Steering ill, the old road signal, no new roads to make updates, resulting in a lot of straying into a one-way street, across the double yellow lines ... and so on, and thus increase the probability of an accident. If people can clear the meaning of road signs and markings and signs on behalf of the government to step up inspections of roads, may be able to reduce the incidence of traffic accidents, so "know the way "you use one of the important subject of the passers-by.
日期: 2013-04-29T01:52:06Z
學年度: 100學年度第二學期
開課老師: 張漢威
課程名稱: 肇事科學鑑定實務
系所: 通識教育中心

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