題名: 促銷會引發衝動性購買行為?
其他題名: Promotion will influence the behavior of impulse buying?
作者: 洪欣瑜
關鍵字: 衝動性購買行為
Impulse trait
time-limit promotion
impulse buying behavior
系所/單位: 經濟學系, 商學院
摘要: 近年來百貨商店林立,大遠百在台中開幕,相鄰新光三越中港店。另外,國外知名平價品牌也紛紛進入台灣的消費市場,在各大龍頭的百貨公司中設立專櫃,例如:Uniqlo、ZARA等等。因此,在競爭相當激烈的消費市場上,商家的促銷活動也層出不窮,為的就是希望能吸引消費者花錢購買。因此,我們想要研究哪一種促銷方式最能夠刺激消費者,使消費者產生衝動購買的行為,以及在時間壓力下,是否也會影響消費者的衝動性購買行為。 本研究採用前測與後測,前測主要是分析受測者的消費者衝動性特質,後測則是透過故事情境,請受測者以故事主角的立場做出購買決策。故事情境分成四種不同「促銷方式」,同時加入「時間壓力」以及消費者「衝動性特質」,想了解此三項變數對衝動性購買行為的影響。 在經過二因子變異數分析後(ANOVA)後,結果顯示在一般促銷下,價格促銷方式對衝動性購買行為的影響較為明顯;如果加入衝動性特質這項變數的話,在一般促銷下的價格促銷方式,對高衝動性特質的消費者有顯著影響。而在限時促銷方式下,對高、低衝動性特質的消費者的影響都不太明顯。但是,高衝動性特質的受測者不論是在一般促銷或限時促銷下,都比低衝動性特質的受測者容易發生衝動性購買行為。
Abstract In recent years, department stores and shops are everywhere. Top City, one of the famous department stores in Taiwan, opened grandly, which was located by Shin Kong Mituskoshi in Taichung City. In addition, many well-known parity-brand companies also get into the Taiwan market, such as Uniqlo, ZARA etc., setting up counters and launching variety of promotions. This paper studies whether promotions make consumer purchase impulsively. Does the behavior of impulse buying exist in Taiwan? In order to get results, we use pre-test and post-test. Pre-test is questionnaires about subject’s impulse traits, and purchasing decision by situation for post-test. At the meantime, time-limit and impulse trait are added to questionnaires to analyze their impacts on impulse buying behavior. The result supports most previous studies. Price promotion affects the decision of purchase positively significantly with and without time-limit. Adding impulse traits variable, we get the result that consumers with high impulse traits have strong impulse buying tendency than consumers with low impulse traits, with or without time-limit.
日期: 2013-04-29T01:53:11Z
學年度: 100學年度第一學期
開課老師: 李文傳
課程名稱: 專題研究
系所: 經濟學系, 商學院

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