題名: 涉入程度與產品組合對購買意願之影響:以美妝產品為例
其他題名: The Involvement and Product Bundling Influence on Purchase Intention-Beauty Products as Example
作者: 洪晨瑜
關鍵字: 渉入理論
Purchase Intention
Beauty products
系所/單位: 經濟學系, 商學院
摘要: 現今人類文明快速發展,人們所追求的不再只是三餐溫飽,而是不斷的提升生活品質,伴隨資訊與貿易的發達,使得消費者在蒐集商品資訊和購買商品的途徑上,較以往更加容易,也因此,不同類型消費者的涉入程度(Involvement)、產品組合(Bundling),將產生不同的購買意願(Purchase Intention)。 本研究以美妝產品為例,分別以化妝水、洗面乳、乳液及防曬產品作為研究的項目,目的在於探討涉入程度的高低是否對購買意願有所影響,以及促銷產品組合方案是否會影響消費者的購買意願,本研究以逢甲大學經濟系的學生為研究對象,利用逐步迴歸的方式,將解釋變數代入。 證實結果顯示,四項美妝產品中,女性的涉入程度及購買意願都比男性高。以年級來說,年級愈高表示在外生活愈久,會更加積極的去收集相關的美妝產品資訊,涉入程度也相對較高。另外由購買意願的數據可以發現,年級愈高購買意願也有提升的趨勢。收入愈高的消費者,對於金錢上的受限較少,涉入的程度因此偏高,購買意願也明顯較高。最後,我們發現涉入程度愈高的消費者,會有愈高的購買意願。而消費者在洗面乳的涉入程度是最高的。愈是注重於產品組合,其購買意願也愈高。
Abstract Nowadays, human civilization develops rapidly so that what people pursue is not only enough to survive, but can continuously upgrade the quality of live. Rich information and trade makes the way consumers collect information and buy the product become easier than before. Moreover, two factors such as consumer involvement and product bundling will bring diverse purchase Intention. The purpose of this paper is to see weather consumer’s involvement on product and promotion of product bundling influence on his purchase intention, by focusing on beauty products, such as lotion, facial cleanser, emulsion and sun-block products. We use students who studies Feng Chia University Department of Economics as object of study , and adopt stepwise regression to analyze the effect of independent variables on consumer’s purchasing intention. The result shows, the involvement and purchase intention of woman are both higher than man. Also, student age affects positively the involvement, and purchasing intention. In addition, the higher income, the higher involvement, and in turn, the stronger purchasing intention for students. Finally, promotion of product bundling causes higher purchasing intention.
日期: 2013-04-29T03:10:27Z
學年度: 100學年度第一學期
開課老師: 李文傳
課程名稱: 專題研究
系所: 經濟學系, 商學院

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