題名: 逢甲夜市品牌整合化:Fun。J
其他題名: Fun。J Night Market
作者: 鄒志湧
關鍵字: 逢甲夜市
Fun。J Night Market
Feng Chia Night Market
Ms. Fun
Mr. J
系所/單位: 國際貿易學系, 商學院
摘要: 夜市多位於交通樞紐、廟會與市集處,通常為各地發展最早、人潮最旺的地方,也進而帶動了該區的發展,有吃又有得玩便成了夜市最大特色,更因規模的逐漸擴大而形成『觀光夜市』,是外國友人認識台灣文化的最佳場所。 夜市成為台灣民眾生活中之「小型嘉年華」,除了純粹買賣的商業功能之外,更成為了台灣人民休閒娛樂的最佳去處。 台灣有許多非常知名的觀光夜市,其中又以台北:士林夜市、高雄:六合夜市及台中的逢甲夜市最為吸引觀光客前來,而逢甲夜市在如此眾多的夜市中為規模最大,也以創新、多元為聞名。近年來,兩岸之間的開放,許多大陸觀光客指名來台的地方之一,就非逢甲夜市莫屬,而且政府也極力推動夜市觀光,越來越多外國觀光客來台逛夜市,但我們發現在這麼多不同夜市裡,卻發現不到差異處,雖然逢甲夜市的美食多元,也極具創意,但是在外國觀光客的心中卻是大同小異,因此我們希望能夠讓逢甲夜市再更上一層樓,透過品牌化的方式使逢甲夜市保持獨特性和持續性,使消費者對此產生強烈歸屬感,進而建立對於逢甲夜市的品牌忠誠度。藉由品牌化,逢甲夜市不僅僅只是個觀光夜市,更是一個五星級平民休閒天堂!
Night market culture in most of the Asian countries occurred in a relatively concentrative village or neighborhood. Those areas were the most developed and prosperous places, which contained a lot of local civilized culture. Every night market in different countries has specific feature, Taiwan is the most interesting amongst them. Feng Chia night market along with other night markets like Shih Lin night market and Liu He night market are counted as the most famous night markets in Taiwan. Due to its creativity, Feng Chia night market makes itself outstanding than other night market. With homogenization problems, a lot of foreign travelers could not easily distinguish between different night markets, and they can’t even buy their friends some souvenir to prove they’ve been to any night market. From this aspect, we try to integrate Feng Chia Night Market by building a whole new brand name—Fun.J Night Market. In addition, we intended to create a strong brand image and make it as landmark of Taiwan in the future.
日期: 2013-10-17T00:56:35Z
學年度: 101學年度第二學期
開課老師: 林呈昱
課程名稱: 消費者行為
系所: 國際貿易學系, 商學院

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