題名: 台菜餐廳新品牌規劃探討:以易鼎活蝦為例
其他題名: New brand planning for Taiwanese seafood restaurant :a case of Yi Ding Live Shrimp restaurant
作者: 戴培宇
關鍵字: 行銷策略
brand position
marketing strategies
willingness to purchase
系所/單位: 行銷學系, 商學院
摘要: 近幾年台灣餐飲業蓬勃發展,且經營方式逐漸展現大型化、複合化、連鎖化、多樣化、網路化等經營趨勢。外出就餐的消費者大都集中於25歲到35歲,為了滿足消費者的需求,新式餐廳數量增多,餐廳運用的行銷方式及技術管理方式日趨多元化,餐飲業競爭概況越來越激烈。 本研究在為大鼎集團創造新品牌定位和行銷策略,品牌定位包含名稱、LOGO、SLOGAN、品牌個性,行銷策略組合包含產品、價格、實體、推廣,並參考相同經營模式的瓦城和鼎泰豐當標竿個案,分析其餐廳菜單、價格、店內氣氛等,當作參考的對象。並結合以上優點總結出新品牌所應有的需求,行銷策略部分因應科技的進步,針對資訊的快速流通提出適當的行銷策略。 本研究採用了量化與質化方法,量化問卷總共發放問卷數量共143位,其中無效問卷25位,實際所取得的有效問卷為118份。質性訪談則收集了7位目標消費者對餐廳設計與促銷策略的相關問題研究。以可能成為餐廳消費者作為研究對象,並討探品牌定位和行銷策略,研究結果如下: 1. 25~35歲消費者購買意願與經驗性需求呈顯著影響 2. 25~35歲消費者購買意願與良好產品呈顯著影響 3. 25~35歲消費者購買意願與畸零定價呈顯著影響 4. 25~35歲消費者購買意願與餐廳環境呈顯著影響 5. 25~35歲消費者更偏好輕鬆的音樂 6. 消費者偏好合理的份量與價格,以及幽默型的廣告,對於店內風格也有一定的要求 因此,新餐廳需要詳細考慮到產品,畸零定價,環境與促銷設計。經過文獻探討與實證研究,新品牌的定位與行銷策略有了有效性與合理性,亦考慮到新品牌行銷的創立,以順應餐飲業在社會上的需求,建立獨特的差異化競爭優勢,方能永續發展。
Through the decades, catering industry has evolved so rapidly that catering trade is showing the new direction of compound, catenation, computerization, and enlarged scale. Most Taiwanese aged from 25 to 35 prefer to dine out. In order to satisfy these customers’ needs, more restaurants are founded. Moreover, the strategies used in restaurant marketing and technical management are gradually renovated. Therefore, catering industry becomes more competitive. The research aims to establish a new brand position and its related marketing strategies for the well-known restaurant, YI DING LIVE SHRIMP. For one thing, the new brand position is composed of name, logo, slogan, and brand personality. Besides, its marketing strategies emphasize connecting with customers through four parts: product, price, environment and promotion. By creating uniqueness into each client-company interaction, there is no doubt that the new brand will attract more customers aged from 25 to 35, but leave customers wanting more. This research take qualitative and quantitive methods, and surveyed 143 members aged from 25 to 35, including 118 valid questionnaires, and 25 invalid ones. In addition, 7 members aged from 25 to 35 were interviewed to discuss what kind of restaurants and promotions they prefer. The data was collected for further interpretation with SPSS 21 descriptive statistics. Cronbach test and simple regression were used for data analysis. After research reveals below: 1. Willingness to purchase is correlated significantly with empirical demand. 2. Willingness to purchase is correlated significantly with nice product. 3. Willingness to purchase is correlated significantly with odd pricing. 4. Willingness to purchase is correlated significantly with environment. 5. Customers aged 25 to 35 prefer relaxing music. 6. Customers aged 25 to 35 not only prefer reasonable serving size, fair price and humorous advertisement, but also have a high demand for environment. Eventually, the new restaurant should have a full consideration of product, odd pricing, environment, and promotion. After literature discussion and research, the new brand position and related marketing strategies are more valid and reasonable. In this highly fast changing society, to prevent from being beaten in the market, unique and consistent comparative advantages for the new brand are a must toward continued growth and successful development.
日期: 2015-05-30T05:15:08Z
學年度: 103學年度第一學期
開課老師: 王婉禎
課程名稱: 品牌與顧客關係經營實務專題
系所: 行銷學系, 商學院

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