題名: 幣值,帶動全球經貿:以日幣貶值為例
其他題名: Currency turns around global economy : Take the depreciation of yen for instance
作者: 莊貽琇
關鍵字: 引力模型
Gravity Model
Heckscher-Ohlin Model
系所/單位: 國際貿易學系, 商學院
摘要: 近來日本經濟衰退,因而日幣貶值的政策由此而生。但,在這個牽一髮而動全身的地球村裡,日圓貶值帶給不只日本內部的影響,連帶也使得日本附近的國家受到衝擊或利益,而非亞洲地區,也受到一些影響。所以,我們要探討因關於日幣貶值而一連串帶動全球的效應,並將這些帶進理論中,從而討論、研究。 在探究的過程裡,套用我們所學:國際貿易政策與理論,推導出日幣貶值對全球的影響如何,從距離遠近到產業結構是否相似,都有影響的強弱的差別。我們將透過有根據的數據資料及國內外官方資料與民間相關機構的調查,著手我們想討論的議題。 進行一連串的蒐集資料與統整後,發現日幣貶值對全球經貿的影響甚多,特別為鄰近的亞洲國家,而亞洲國家中,又以產業結構相似的韓國衝擊更為多。這些都與我們所學中的理論不謀而合,也增添我們對這門課程的認識。
Economy in Japan has been declining in recent years, and that’s one of the reasons why Shinzo Abe embarked on an extremely aggressive approach to devaluing their currency significantly. In the world we are now in, Yen’s depreciation not only affect Japan’s internal economy but also the countries nearby. Even to some countries apart from Asia such as America etc…, has been affected as well. We are going to find out what Yen’s depreciation has brought to the world; furthermore, to correlate the theories with practice. During our research, we found Yen’s depreciation affects the similarity of industrial structure from far to close in a direct ratio. According to the data from officials and unofficial plus the surveys from non-government institutions, we then started to discuss about our subject. We collected and managed the information and discovered the impact of Yen’s depreciation is actually tremendous, especially to the nearby Asia Pacific countries. To Korea, the impacts are much more severe because of its alike in familiar industrial structures with Japan. It’s always more tempting to have the chance to apply what we have learned to practice, which indeed made this lesson even more interesting.
日期: 2015-05-30T05:36:44Z
學年度: 103學年度第一學期
開課老師: 許鈺珮
課程名稱: 國際貿易政策與理論
系所: 國際貿易學系, 商學院

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