題名: 成本優勢分析整形產業:E定要幸福噢!
作者: 方榆安
張簡, 如雅
關鍵字: 成本優勢
Cost advantage (cost leadership strategy)
Plastic industry
Strategic Management
系所/單位: 國際貿易學系, 商學院
摘要: 在這次的策略管理課程報告中,我們透過成本優勢分析一項產業,並拍成一部影片。我們選定了整型產業,以輕鬆逗趣的方式,讓觀眾們經由觀賞影片時得知,成本優勢(成本領先戰略)的內容及意涵,例如:規模經濟、差異化、通才、專才、學習經濟、產品創新、新製程、議價能力是如何應用在整型產業中。    在拍攝前,先讓大家腦力激盪,選定了大概方向之後,將大綱寫出來擬訂劇情腳本,並經過小組討論後,根據每一個小細節排演及修正,正式拍攝影片,利用手機和借用積學堂外的討論區拍攝影片,後來再透過組員剪接,在適當的時機放上特效或是說明,在影片過程中,我們希望可以讓觀看者更加瞭解成本優勢的意涵,甚至可以進一步的把成本優勢應用在生活中。    成本優勢(成本領先戰略)是指企業降低自身的生產與經營成本,以低於對手的產品價格,獲得市占率,並獲得同行業間水準以上的獲利。如何以最低限度的成本創造出最大化的產值效益,是現今企業當中的最主要課題。 我們透過成本優勢去探討出在整型產業中,它在此所扮演的角色,在經由此中用簡單的方式去深入且瞭解成本優勢的意義。
In the course of Strategic Management, we analyze an industry through cost advantages, and made into a film. We took the film for plastic surgery industry as an example which is in a relaxed manner to let the viewers understand the content and meaning of cost advantage (cost leadership strategy). For example economy of scale, differentiation, generalists , specialists , economy of learning , product innovation, new processes , bargaining power are putted in use in the plastic industry. Before shooting the film, we wrote the outline in the beginning let everyone to think about it. Then we wrote the screenplay. After our group discussed every detail and we started producing a film. We used smart phone and borrowed the forums in the Integrated School at FCU to shoot our film.Finally we editing the film and put some special efficacy into the film. In the process of the film, we hope the viewers could not only understand the cost advantage more but also put the cost advantage in life. Cost advantage (cost leadership strategy) is the company's own production and reduce operating costs, lower than rival products prices, access to market share, and access to the inter-industry level above profit. How to create a minimum cost to maximize the benefits of value is now among the most important business issues. We investigate into plastic surgery industry with Cost Advantage that the role it plays, and used in a simple way through this to understand the depth and significance of the cost advantage.
日期: 2015-05-31T03:30:18Z
學年度: 102學年度第二學期
開課老師: 羅芳怡
課程名稱: 策略管理
系所: 國際貿易學系, 商學院

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