題名: 垂直整合的成本與利益:最豪麥麵包公司
其他題名: The Costs and Benefits of Vertical Integration: Ultra-High
作者: 陳雅琴
關鍵字: 向前整合
backward integration
forward integration
risks addition
vertical integration
系所/單位: 國際貿易學系, 商學院
摘要: 本文為說明企業如何向前及向後垂直整合、企業採用垂直整合的優缺點和採用垂直整合後企業未來可能面臨的風險。文中假設一家麵包公司─最豪麥麵包公司的老闆分析垂直整合後的優缺點決定採用垂直整合,採用向後整合的策略,與麵粉工廠、小麥農、牛奶供應商及糖廠合作;採用向前整合的策略,成立自營麵包店,而後再設立概念店下午茶館─麥咖啡。最豪麥麵包公司完成整合後,可能會面臨許多風險,文中以管理不易時面臨員工抗爭罷工和上游廠商遭遇不可預測的損失連帶影響的風險加成作為例子。透過例子,我們整理出一家企業面對是否改採用垂直整合時,應考慮其獲利與潛在成本多寡作為衡量基準之一,若潛在成本(包含風險)過大時,企業應慎重權衡垂直整合的利弊以避免影響自身原有的營運。
This article explains how companies use forward and backward vertical integration, the advantages and disadvantages of vertical integration and if the companies adopt vertical integration what the venture they may face in the future. The text assumes a bread company ─ ultra-high bread company owner analyses the advantages and disadvantages of using the vertical integration and decides to use it. This company use forward integration cooperating with flour factories, wheat farmers, milk suppliers and sugar mills; using backward integration to establish bakeries and then set up an afternoon tea shop ─ Mine café. Ultra-high wheat bread company after the completion of the integration, they may face a number of risks. We use two matters as examples. We sort out that whether a company adopt vertical integration, it not only measures its benefit after integration but also considers potential risks.
日期: 2015-05-31T03:45:51Z
學年度: 102學年度第二學期
開課老師: 羅芳怡
課程名稱: 策略管理
系所: 國際貿易學系, 商學院

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