題名: 桌上型木製文具在台灣網路銷售的可行性
其他題名: The feasibility of desktop set sold by internet in Taiwan._
作者: 鍾佳恩
關鍵字: 木製商品
Wooden goods
Desktop Set
系所/單位: 統計學系, 商學院
摘要: 由於網路的普及,大幅度的改變著所處的大環境,加上資訊社會的發展快速與大眾化,改變了人們的生活習慣,因此也迫使企業在行銷產品的方面,要有別於傳統方法。近幾年來,「網路行銷」已成為企業在推廣產品上不可或缺的手法之一。 會做此研究的動機是,我們發現一項很有質感的商品:桌上型木製文具,但它在台灣很少見。在深入探究後,發現製作這項商品的廠商,只外銷中東及俄羅斯之國家,在台灣並沒有販售。因此興起了好奇心,進而有此研究。 此研究主要在於探討對於桌上型木製文具,如果用現在最普遍及流行趨勢的網路行銷手法,是否有在台灣銷售的可能性及可行性。針對這個目的,進行研究。在研究族群主要會分為學生與非學生族群,針對這兩個族群下去探討,這項商品是否有銷售的可行性。假設沒有,原因為何? 在問卷方面,特徵值有性別、年齡層、職業。我們會針對不同想探討之事項,採取不同的特徵值分類,以此得到不同的數據分析。 在最後總結分析數據,給予廠商建議。
Because of commence of internet, the environment be changed obviously. In addition, our routines are transformed by the rapid and popular development in the social information. Hence, corporations are forced on changing traditional methods in marketing. Recently, “Internet Marketing” is one of the indispensable marketing practices for the corporations. Motivation of our study is that we found a delicate product, but rare in Taiwan- Desktop Set. After searching deeply, we found that the factory which makes the goods just export to Middle East and Russia but not Taiwan. Therefore, it raises our curiosity for the study. The major study is that using the most commence and popular marketing practices, if the desktop set can be sold in Taiwan. The major searching groups are divided into students and non-student. For these two groups, we discuss the sales possibility and feasibility. If the products aren’t sold well in Taiwan, we find the reasons. In the questionnaire, the eigenvalues of our survey are gender, age, and profession. We take the different eigenvalues for the several questions, and gain these data analysis. Last, we conclude the analysis, and give the company advices.
日期: 2015-06-08T14:38:30Z
學年度: 102學年度第一學期
開課老師: 李桂秋
課程名稱: 行銷管理
系所: 統計學系, 商學院

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