題名: 日月潭中興停車場滿意度調查
其他題名: The Study of Satisfaction Survey of Chung-Hsing Parking Lot in Sun Moon Lake Area
作者: 呂奇樺
關鍵字: 日月潭停車場
Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA)
Parking lot of Sun Moon Lake
Satisfactory Survey
系所/單位: 運輸科技與管理學系, 建築學院
摘要: 國人在選擇遊憩區時,停車需求常是考慮重點之一,而日月潭國家風景區目前每逢假日必定塞車的情況主要與日月潭附近的停車場有關,其中中興停車場為風景區內規模最大的停車場。本研究以探討中興停車場潛在問題為目的,透過問卷方式調查停車場使用者對停車場之滿意度,調查時段分為平日與假日,共分配301份問卷並以面訪方式進行,且受訪者以3:7比例分為大客車91份與小客車210份,經由統計分析數據並提出改善方案。本研究將問卷分為動線、設備、設施及費率四個構面。研究結果顯示大客車動線、設備、設施及費率各構面之滿意度平均值分別為3.4、3.5、3.2及2.8分,而小客車滿意度平均值分別為3.5、3.5、3.4及3.3分。本研究以滿意度總平均值3.436分及重要度總平均值4.058分為基準點分為四個象限進行重要度─績效分析。藉由分析結果,本研究提出優先實施項目主要包含停車格位數量配置、各區剩餘車位電子看板設置、線上車位預約服務及設置大型電子看板。
The tourists will choose a scenic area that the parking supply is one of major concern. As for Sun Moon lake scenic area, that the supply of parking lots insufficient is the main reason of taffic jams during the weekends. Among the parking lots around Sun Moon Lake, the Chung-Hsing parking lot is the largest parking lot. This study focuses the parking problem of Chung-Hsing parking lot, and uses the questionnaire survey to find out the satisfactory of tourists about the Chung-Hsing parking lot. The survey timing includes the weekdays and weekends, and there are total 301 interviews of the tourists, 91 bus drivers and 210 passengers drivers included. Then, the study analyzes the data, and proposes the improving the strategies. The questionnaires includes four contents such traffic direction, equipments, facilities, and parking fee. The study result shows that the average satisfactory scores of the bus drivers are 3.4, 3.5, 3.2 and 2.8, respectively, and for the passenger drivers are 3.5, 3.5, 3.4, and 3.3, respectively. This study uses the average score of 3.436 of satisfactory and average score of 4.058 of importance as basic lines to perform the Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA). The result shows that the relocation of parking spaces, the display of vacant parking spaces, the reservation of parking space in advance,and the deployment the large digit board are the first priority to improving.
日期: 2015-08-20T02:53:48Z
學年度: 103學年度第二學期
開課老師: 葉名山
課程名稱: 專題研究
系所: 運輸科技與管理學系, 建築學院

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