題名: 綠屋頂對室內降溫效益影響之實測分析
其他題名: The Green roof farm influence of indoor comfort
作者: 廖珮辰
關鍵字: 綠屋頂
Green roof
Thermal environment
Wind environment
Temperature decreasing
Field test
系所/單位: 建築學系, 建設學院
摘要: 從以往到現今,綠屋頂被受國內外重視,綠屋頂在都市層面上可對抗熱島效應外,更擁有對建築物室內隔熱降溫的能力;根據研究指出,人的活動中有90%的時間處於室內空間,因此,室內舒適度將會影響人體的健康、舒適及工作效率。 本研究主要以現地實測法進行,實測方面依時間進行外氣與室內溫度之實測,將既有施作完畢的於休耕狀態之盆缽式綠屋頂及下方室內空間環境與環境條件幾乎相同但屋頂為木平台之室內空間,利用以其兩者下方之室內實測數據比較的方式來探討不同綠屋頂木平台(A組)與盆缽式屋頂農園(B組)之降溫效,本研究主要結果為: 1. 木平台屋頂(A組)之結果: 由A、B兩組各自比較室內靠窗與中央之溫度,B組比A組溫差大,因此驗證了木平台因抬高後產生下方空隙,雖無通風作用,但可將熱平均分散於室內;根據數據分析恆溫能力,B室比A室平均多0.2°,表示擁有大面積覆蓋率的木平台擁有較高的穩定室內溫度的能力。 2. 盆缽式屋頂農園(B組)之結果:單以盆缽及土壤論,外氣溫與盆缽下方最大可差9℃,具有相當的隔熱能力;若利用澆灌的方式最大可使B室比A室低0.9℃,且利用風力通過通風層以及通氣的樓板最大可使B室比A室降低2.4℃,證實了通風層與澆灌系統於屋頂農園的設置對室內擁有降溫的效益。
to the present day, Green roofs are still much domestic attention, On the urban , Also has the ability to cool and insulation the building interior to achieve conserve energy and reduce carbon emissions. According to the study, human activity in 90% of the time in the interior space,so, indoor comfort will affect the health, comfort and efficiency of the human body. In this research , according to the time of actual temperature of the air temperature and the interior,in existing facilities for completion in fallow state container-type green roof and the lower interior space and conditions are almost the same but the interior space of the roof is wooden platform, to explore different indoor temperature below the green roof by data-oriented approach. 1. wooden Roof (No.A) : Compare each temperature of the indoor and window with a central by No. A、B, No.A of maximum temperature 0.4 ℃, No.A Maximum temperature difference 0.7 ℃,verification the layer after due elevated wooden platform voids below, although no ventilation, but, heat can be evenly distributed in interior. In dateanalysis constant capability, Room B on average Room A than the average 0.2 °, representation has a large coverage has a high wooden platform thermostat capability. 2. Container-type green roof (No.B) : Roof layer alone on the pots and soil, the maximum difference of the air temperature than pots below on 9℃, it has considerable ability to insulation. in the maximum,the Room B can lower than Room A 0.9℃by watering method. in the maximum, Room B can lower than Room A 2.4 ℃by ventilation floor. It confirmed the ventilation layer and irrigation systems to setting the roof on the indoor farm has cooling efficiency. Confirmed,the roof have setting the ventilation layer and irrigation systems can be cooling on the indoor far.
日期: 2016-01-22T07:40:22Z
學年度: 104學年度 第一學期
開課老師: 林衍良
課程名稱: 專題討論
系所: 建築學系, 建設學院

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