題名: 以行銷學系面向探討颱風相關議題
其他題名: Exploring Typhoon-related Issues from a Marketing Perspective
作者: 張雅筑
關鍵字: 颱風
disaster marketing
typhoon marketing
系所/單位: 行銷學系, 商學院
摘要: 此論文之目的為從行銷學意面探討颱風相關議題,也許許多人會有疑問,行銷如何與颱風做連結?行銷跟颱風有什麼關係?這不是八竿子打不著的兩個議題嗎? 但其實只要深究,可以發現世界上已經有很多事無法與「行銷」脫軌,無論為營利或非營利,確實都需要藉由行銷的幫助,幫忙推廣商品、服務甚至是理念,也因此,前言便以介紹行銷為開頭,再將颱風議題拉進來,兩個主題彼此摩擦碰撞後,產生出兩者之間的連結。 颱風為不可避免的天然災害,我們所希望做到的就是提前的預防及減少災害的產生,而如何推廣?亦或者是公司、店家如何在颱風來臨前,提出一套因應措施或廣告?確實都為不簡單的方法,切入的點對,公司大大受益,但相反地,也有可能一失足成千古恨,因此破壞公司名譽。 所以本篇論文將針對颱風及行銷兩個主題座結合後下去探討,闡述行銷於今為不可或缺的因素外,也希望能更容易了解颱風來臨時,該如何運用行銷,助其推廣、宣傳。
This study explored typhoon-related issues from a marketing perspective. People may question how marketing and typhoons are related given their apparently unrelated nature. However, numerous events are related to marketing, regardless of whether they are profit- or nonprofit-oriented. Marketing involves channels through which products, services, and even ideas can be promoted. Therefore, this paper defines marketing and typhoons separately and them introduces the relationship between them. Typhoons invariably cause natural disasters; thus, preventing and reducing loss and damage from them are the primary objectives of contingency measures. The question is how to promote such contingency measures or how companies and businesses can contribute to preventing loss and damage caused by typhoons through advertisements. If a company proposes an effective method, then it can benefit from doing so; otherwise, the company’s reputation can be damaged. From this perspective, this study explores the relationship between typhoons and marketing to explain why marketing is crucial and how it can be employed to promote strategies or methods for preventing loss and damage caused by typhoons.
日期: 2016-01-25T05:41:52Z
學年度: 103學年度 第二學期
開課老師: 李漢鏗
課程名稱: 認識天然災害
系所: 通識教育中心, 跨領域學習

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