題名: 逢甲大學102光電乙讀書會成果報告
其他題名: FCU photonics toastmaster 102B
作者: 鄒政浩
關鍵字: 光學設計概論
Introduction to Optical Design
系所/單位: 光電學系, 理學院
摘要: 本讀書會希望藉由此讀書會培養大家每週或每天聽、說和讀英文的習慣。在段考前也開放專業必修科目討論與教學,達到教學相長的效果。 每週請一至兩位同學事先負責準備並研讀相關影音教材(例如TED、Voicetube)。讀書會當天播放完教材之後,先由負責同學以英文向大家表達選取這份教材的動機與觀後想法,然後再由其他同學以英文表達自己的感想建議。段考前一兩週的讀書會,將由課業成績較佳同學帶領大家一起研讀、討論專業必修科目內容。 經過一學期的活動,每一位學員不論原來英文程度如何,都從害羞不敢說英文和大一之後很少接觸英文得情況之下,藉著讀書會的推動與操練,現在每一位在生活中,偶而會不經意地用英文互相交談,大家對英文的興趣也因此增加了。 另外,在專業科目”光學設計概論”的學科上,成績前段學生提攜成績中後段學生。從此門課程成績高低分布來看,此讀書會明顯的發揮了正面作用。
This study group is formed in hopes of encouraging and/or helping classmates to learn English through the processes of speaking, reading and listening to English weekly or even daily. One or two weeks before the midterm and final examinations, we’ll switch from the English meetings to review sections on the professional courses, and our discussions will be handled with the belief that “teaching others teaches ourselves”. Every week, one or two students would be asked to prepare relevant audio/video materials, such as those from TED and Voicetube websites. Students who are in charge of preparations and pre-study would first share with other members about the motivations of their choosing materials and the related comments. And then, other members would take turns to express their viewpoints about the materials. All of these presentations and communications, along with some guidance from professor Ying Te Lee, are undertaken in English. A week or two before the major examinations, students with better academic performance would lead the whole group to study and discuss some critical topics choosing from the professional courses. One semester after the study group was founded, students who were used to be shy in speaking English are now, regardless of the level of their English proficiency, feeling more comfortable or confident to speak in English. It’s obvious that their interests in learning English has been enhanced. In addition, there are evidences that our discussions on the professional subject of “Introduction to Optical Design” have made positive impacts on every member. The benefits are even more obvious for those members with poorer grades before the final exam, cause they all made great progresses on the final exams and impressed the course instructor, Prof. Ma.
日期: 2016-01-26T03:16:38Z
學年度: 104 學年度 第 一 學期
開課老師: 李英德
課程名稱: 班級活動
系所: 光電學系, 理學院

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