題名: 金融倫理:服務報告
其他題名: Ethics in Finance:Service Report
作者: 張鈞皓
關鍵字: 服務
Gender equity
Financial ethics
系所/單位: 財務金融學系, 金融學系
摘要: 從古到今,女性的社會地位一直處於男性之下。但隨著社會的進步與科技的發展,性別平等這項議題也越來越被受到重視。而大學生們對於性別平等的重視程度不夠,鮮有人去了解性平會的相關內容。因此,我們選定了逢甲大學性平會為服務對象。希望可以幫助逢甲大學性平會宣導有關於性別平等的概念,提高大學生的性別平等意識。 首先,我們通過基本概念讓大家清楚何為性別平等。進而推出幾個時事案例并現場即興演出一段情景短劇,讓同學更加深入、多角度的了解性別不平等就時刻發生在我們的身邊。這時若是心中深諳性別平等的概念與意義,也許就可以讓無辜的女孩逃離魔爪。緊接著對逢甲大學性別平等會的網路頁面進行全方面的介紹,鼓勵同學們善用資源來維護自己的人身權益。
Ever since long time ago, female’s social status always has been lower than male’s. Recently, with the increasing progress of the society and the development of technology, the issue of social equality has been attached great concern to. It is a common phenomenon that college students place less emphasis on it and few of them would like to access to information about social equality. Therefore, our team chooses The Gender Equity Education Committee Of Feng Chia University as our service object, in order to arise the sense of gender equity of college students. We basically propagated the basic information and performed a skit to show a criminal case about the theme. We hope our presentation could help students thoroughly get to know how to deal with this sort of case,when you actually encounter with it in the real life. Meanwhile be familiar with how to defend your right. What’s more, students may also know how to help others,when they are falling into such kind of trouble. We believe that even a slight change and action could make a difference. At last, we also attach the website of the committee and other approaches at the end of our presentation which may could be taped in the future, in case of unexpected needs.
日期: 2016-10-07T02:34:04Z
學年度: 104學年度 第2學期
開課老師: 王佳真
課程名稱: 金融倫理
系所: 財務金融學系, 金融學系

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