題名: 品牌關係經營實務專題報告:慈德慈惠堂
其他題名: Brand Relationship Management and Practice Disquisition of Ci De Ci Hui Temple
作者: 林筱惠
關鍵字: 月下老人
Brand awareness
Culture and faith
Facebook fan page maintenance
Internet marketing
系所/單位: 行銷學系, 商學院
摘要: (一)目的 隨著社會風氣改變,拜拜已逐漸流為形式,失去其真正意義。在得知台中慈德月老殿有意與系上合作,發現殿方有許多不同於其他廟宇的特色,想要推廣出去卻苦無方法,本組因而決定以此做為題目。希望透過創新思考與行銷專長相互作用下,激發不同於其他廟宇的行銷手法。並以達到提高殿方知名度、增加粉絲專頁的按讚數及知名度,增加30-40歲的輕熟齡客群為目的。 (二)過程及方法 本專案以經營粉絲專頁為核心,先以強弱危機分析與市場區隔定位等專業研究分析為基礎,並藉由不斷的嘗試及調整貼文內容與互動方式,及結合網路活動的舉辦,從多方面尋找潛在的可能性。 (三)結果 經過三個月的粉專經營,發現本研究團隊的粉絲大多偏好內容充實的文章,其中又以殿內資訊最為關注,另外粉絲也樂於與粉專小編互動,與粉專有較高的親暱感。從分析數據上顯示不僅整體粉專讚數及追蹤數有大幅提升,在貼文風格年輕化之餘亦抓住年長者的心,同時兼顧新舊客群喜好。藉由此次的產學合作,能協助慈德月老殿在行銷操作上有更多的突破,以利未來深根本土、持續傳遞月老善念。
1. Purpose As the social propensity acculturated, the worship gods or ancestors has drift into conventional pattern and lost the significance gradually. Finding out Ci De Yue Lao Temple wanted to cooperate with our department, which has a lot of characteristics and differ from other temples. They wanted to be more famous but had no ideas, our group decided to be themed with Ci De Yue Lao Temple to assist them. We hoped to inspire ideas with innovative thinking and specialty of marketing. Our purposes are improving the reputation of Ci De Yue Lao Temple, increasing the number of likes and reputation of the fans page and increasing the new customer base at the age of 30 to 40. 2. Process and method The core value of this project is to manage the fan page. Based on the professional research and analysis such as SWOT Analysis and STP, we try to not only revise the posts and the interactive ways of the fan page, but also hold events on the Internet, hoping to find any possibility to reach our goal. 3. Conclusion Through managing three months, we find most of our fans like informative article, and mostly attracted by the information of the temple. Fans are also willing to interact with the fan page manager in order to improve intimacy with fan page. According to the data, the number of likes and followers of the fans page have greatly improved. We catch the like of elders and balanced the new and old customer base at the same time after posting youthful. To assist Ci De Yue Lao Temple in having a breakthrough in marketing domain and it will beneficial to act locally and pass kind ideas continuously by this project.
日期: 2018-04-12T02:15:24Z
學年度: 106學年度第一學期
開課老師: 王郁彬
課程名稱: 品牌關係經營實務專題
系所: 行銷學系, 商學院

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