題名: 炸不垮的三星電子
其他題名: Unbeatable Samsung Electronics
作者: 張芯慈
關鍵字: 三星電子
Note 7爆炸事件
Samsung Electronics
The Influence of Stock Price
Financial Ratio Analysis
The Explosion Event of Note 7
系所/單位: 財務金融學系, 金融學院
摘要: 中文摘要 三星集團是韓國最大企業,它的一舉一動對整個市場有極大的影響,不僅在於智慧型手機市場,亦橫跨面板及半導體產業。2016年三星Note 7爆炸事件全球皆知,但三星的年獲利卻不受影響,隔年仍在手機市場上叱吒風雲,因此,我們將探討三星的危機處理方法,並簡略分析2012年到2016年的財務比率,再探討此爆炸事件對三星季度及年度的總獲利是否有很大的影響。藉由研究分析可得知,三星透過跨足多個產業,來增加其對於突發事件的應變能力。
Abstract Samsung Group is the largest Korean company, which has a great impact on the entire market. Samsung Group is not only in the smartphone market but also in the panel and the semiconductor industry. The explosion event of Samsung Note 7 in 2016 is known all over the world, but Samsung's annual profits are unaffected. Instead, it still makes an outstanding performance in the smartphone market next year. Therefore, we will probe into this event and discuss Samsung's ability of crisis management ,and briefly analyze the financial ratios from 2012 to 2016, and then explore whether this event has a great impact on Samsung's total profits of quarterly and annual reports. As we know from this research and analysis, Samsung increases its ability of problem solving for emergencies by extending its business to multiple industries.
日期: 2018-04-13T09:23:59Z
學年度: 106學年度第一學期
開課老師: 王韻怡
課程名稱: 財務管理(一)
系所: 財務金融學系, 金融學院

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