題名: 台灣工業電腦龍頭之爭
其他題名: The Leadership Battle of Taiwan’s Industrial Personal Computer Industry
作者: 陳怡蒨
關鍵字: 工業電腦
Industrial Personal Computer (IPC)
Operating performance
系所/單位: 財金學系, 金融學院
摘要: 中文摘要 近年來,我們從媒體上獲知工業4.0這一個新的名詞,也就是利用大數據、物聯網、雲端及智慧設備等來進行生產,其中工業電腦顯得特別重要,它能夠監控並控制整條自動化生產線,是整條生產線的核心,也能使系統更加穩定可靠。 就我們原有的概念,研華科技一直是工業電腦的龍頭也是國際間知名的大廠,但近幾年鴻海公司旗下的樺漢科技異軍突起,尤其是在股價表現更有大幅成長,反觀研華,近來股價持續地下跌。所以我們想要透過這份論文探討是什麼原因導致兩間公司股票差異這麼大並且評選出台灣目前工業電腦產業中的龍頭是哪一間公司。 我們使用了台灣經濟新報TEJ資料庫蒐集兩間公司近三年的財務資料,並搜尋相關新聞,使用財管課學到的財務比率分析兩間公司,得到我們想要的結果。 藉由比較兩間公司的各項財務比率,我們認為研華目前仍是台灣工業電腦龍頭,原因在於研華在國際上已累積了30多年的經銷實力、品牌形象,它的根基相當穩固,這點也不是樺漢能夠輕易超越的,但是樺漢所具備的IPC 代工巨頭地位,以及透過 S&T 與 Kontron 的收購,跨足品牌經營,對研華來說仍是一大威脅,雖然短時間內衝擊有限,但研華面對來勢洶洶的樺漢,必須想 出好的因應之道,否則在不久的將來其一哥的地位可能被取代。
Abstract In recent years, we learned a new field named “Industry 4.0” from the social media. That is, people produce products by using big data, Internet of Things, and wisdom device. This make Industrial Personal Computer (IPC) become very important. It controlled and monitored the automatic assembly line, it is the core of the line, also it can make the system more stable. In our former notion, Advantech has always been the leader of industrial personal computer, and also a well-known international corporation. However, in recent years, Ennoconn the subsidiary of Foxconn has to do an end around, especially its stock prices grows significantly. On the contrary, Advantech’s stock prices continued to fall. Therefore, we want to find out what make such differences between the two corporations and choose which corporation is Taiwan's current leader of the industrial personal computer industry through this essay. We used TEJ Database to collect some financial data, and look for some news by internet in order to get the result we want. By comparing the financial ratios of the two corporations, we think that Advantech is still the leader of IPC industry in Taiwan, because Advantech has accumulated the marketing ability and brand reputation more than 30 years around the world. Its foundation is quite stabled, it is not easy for Ennoconn to surpass. But Ennoconn was the leader of IPC original equipment manufacturer and through the acquisition of S&T and Kontron, Ennoconn is still a major threat to Advantech. Although the impact is limited in a short time, however, Advantech must figure out a good strategy or its leadership may be replaced in the near future.
日期: 2018-04-15T03:23:33Z
學年度: 106學年度第一學期
開課老師: 王韻怡
課程名稱: 財務管理(一)
系所: 財金學系, 金融學院

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