題名: 十二年國教後的選擇
其他題名: The Choice After twelve years of basic education
作者: 李大任
關鍵字: 十二年國教
Twelve years of state religion
Youth Employment Pilot Project
Present Value(PV)
系所/單位: 財務金融學系, 金融學院
摘要: 中文摘要   我們認為現今台灣的教育制度非常有問題,填鴨式的教學以及大量的考試扼殺學生的創造力、獨特性,甚至影響學生未來的發展,為了考試而唸書的學生並不在少數,在學生九年義務教育甚至是十二年國民基本教育結束後明明有更多的選擇,我相信有不少部分的人擁有跟其他人不一樣的想法,但他們可能還是選擇了繼續升學。究竟是什麼改變了現在學生的選擇呢?   我們將蒐集政策面和社會面的數據,希望整理出可能影響學生繼續升學或是就業的原因。並且我們會設計一套問卷,問卷對象設定為高中職以上到社會人士,由這份問卷輔佐相關數據整理出他們選擇升學的理由,也希望對自己的選擇抱有疑問的人寫完這份問卷後對能夠重新思考自己的選擇是否正確。   最後我們找了政府所推行的相關政策以及相關單位的數據做了敏感度分析,分析後我們認為學生除了念書之外更應該能去思考自己的未來才能有效的提升自我價值。
Abstract We think the education system in Taiwan has many problems. The “spoon-fed” method of teaching and frequent exams kill the students ' creativity and uniqueness, and may even negatively influence their future development. For example, many students study just for the exams. After twelve years of basic education, students should have a lot more choices and different thoughts on their future, but instead the majority of them still choose to continue studying. We want to know what influenced their decisions, and to do so we will design a questionnaire aimed at high school graduates and above. We hope that it will help us sort out the reasons that affect the students in their choices, and also serve as a reminder for the people who had taken our survey to revisit their decisions. Lastly, we compiled data from related policies and government departments for our sensitivity analysis. The results led us to believe that rather than studying, students should instead focus more on their future and thus increasing their true value as a person.
日期: 2018-04-24T02:46:37Z
學年度: 106學年度第一學期
開課老師: 洪偉峰
課程名稱: 個體經濟學
系所: 財務金融學系, 金融學院

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