題名: 彰東西 Bang! 不見
其他題名: Analysis of CAMEL Rating: Chang Hwa Commercial Bank
作者: 張瑞柱
關鍵字: 比較評比
Chang Hwa Commercial Bank
CAMEL Rating
integrated rating
系所/單位: 財務金融學系, 金融學院
摘要: 彰化銀行自設立至今已一百餘年,見證了臺灣從日治時期、中華民國時期數百年歷史,歷經重大金融改革仍然屹立不搖,也是台灣第一家上市的銀行,代表它有其一定經營能力。而這份報告分別從彰銀的歷史背景、經營理念以及經歷過的重大案件來進行改造計畫並且利用貨幣銀行學所學的課程內容進行分析,達到學以致用的效果,讓我們更加了解貨幣銀行學所要傳達的學習理念。我們使用CAMEL指標進行分析,分析 CAMEL各項指標的評級,並進行綜合的評級和分析。C資本狀況;A資產品質;M 管理能力;E 獲利能力;L 流動比率。在資產品質方面,可以降低逾期放款和催繳款數量,以及有條件地提高放款總額,在降低風險的同時也能提高收入;資本方面,提高資本適足率,更能穩定本身經營的安全性及財務的健全性;透過提高獲利能力及降低經營成本,提升盈餘,並結合大數據及金融科技,跟上時代潮流,增加競爭力。針對個別所發生的問題,提出適當的解決辦法以及建議,加強優勢,彌補缺點,讓彰化銀行更能與同業競爭,這就 是把所學應用在報告上,發揮「大學有大用」的精神,讓學習不再只是紙上談兵。
Since its establishment 100 years ago, Changhua Bank has witnessed Taiwan’s history spanning hundreds of years from the Japanese rule period and the Republic of China. After undergoing major financial reforms, it still stands and is the first listed bank in Taiwan, representing its certain operation. ability. This report is based on the historical background, business philosophy, and major cases of Changyin Bank. The plan is to transform the program and use the curriculum content learned by the currency bank to analyze it, so as to achieve the effect of learning and use, and let us understand more about currency. The learning concept to be conveyed by banking science. We use CAMEL indicators for analysis, analyze the ratings of CAMEL indicators, and conduct comprehensive ratings and analysis. C Capital Status; A Asset Quality; M Management Capability; E Profitability; In the aspect of asset quality, the amount of overdue loans and reminders can be reduced, and the total lending amount can be increased conditionally to reduce risks while also increasing revenue. In terms of capital, raising the capital adequacy rate can further stabilize the security of its own operations. And the soundness of finances; through the improvement of profitability and lowering of operating costs, the company will increase its surplus, and combine big data and financial technology to keep up with the trend of the times and increase its competitiveness. In response to individual problems, we propose appropriate solutions and recommendations, strengthen our advantages, and make up for shortcomings so that Changhua Bank can better compete with its peers. This is to apply what they learn to the report and to use the spirit of “university use”. Let learning be no longer just on paper.
日期: 2018-10-17T08:09:36Z
學年度: 106學年度第二學期
開課老師: 林昆立
課程名稱: 貨幣銀行學
系所: 財務金融學系, 金融學院

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