題名: 台北塑膠廠老闆:用一支冰棒翻轉台東小鎮
其他題名: The owner of Taipei Plastic Factory flipped the town of Taitung with a popsicle
作者: 林佩玲
關鍵字: 春一枝
Quality insistence
Sustainable development
Small and Medium Enterprise(SMEs) transformation
系所/單位: 企業管理學系, 商學院
摘要: 中文摘要 此個案出發點為由中小企業董事長深耕在地看見民間疾苦因而想要幫助農民轉型,在缺乏經驗的情況下,決定加工生產冰棒開始,我們可以看見李銘煌先生的努力及用心,堅持用最好的水果製作,堅持品質嚴格把關,製作出能吃的到籽的冰棒,為台東鹿野創造出新的名詞,也妥善利用了原本將要浪費的過量水果。 經過利害關係人分析、PEST分析、競爭者分析、十字定位、SWOT分析及4P分析後,認為春一枝主要缺少物流通路及知名度,進而提出三個問題及相對應的可行方案,在縝密的分析過後,決定針對知名度去著手可行方案,利用冰品舉辦抽獎活動、集章活動、集點活動,增加不只是遊客還有消費者的互動,從活動中讓消費者產生興趣,吸引目光,再由公益活動、路跑活動與大量市民進行互動,透過公益活動幫助需要幫助的弱勢族群外也能為企業累積良好的品牌形象,不只是身為企業,更是這個社會的一份子。亦可再增加與物流業者的合作,將冰品以冷凍技術運送到各大縣市販售,與各大超商、賣場、量販店或合作店家進行合作,增加產品的曝光度,進而提高銷售額,達到永續經營的目標。
Abstract The starting point of this case is that a SMEs president of the brand catch sight of the pain of nongovernment and came up with the thought to help farmers to do transformation. Without experience, they decided to start from producing popsicle. We can see Ming Huang Lee spend how much in producing and how care about quality insistence for making a popsicle which contain the seed to create new noun of Luye Taitung and proper use the excessed fruit which will be wasted. Through the stakeholder analysis, PEST analysis, competitor analysis, Cross shap localization, SWOT analysis, and 4P analysis, I think Icespring mainly missing logistics pathway and reputation, and for these I put forward to three questions and relative available programs. After comprehensive analysis, decided to start with rising reputation by holding raffle activity、stamp and point collection activities to improve not only the interactive of traveler and consumer but also attract sights and make consumer interest with, then through charitable and road running activities to interactive with lots of citizen. Charitable activities can help the vulnerable groups who really needs help and also accumulate positive corporate image, but for being a part of this society. Also can increase the cooperation with logistics operator, to deliver ice products to each cities and collaborate with each convenience store、Hyper-market、supermarket and cooperation shops to improve the exposure rate of the product, then increase the sales amounts and reach the target of sustainable development.
日期: 2019-10-08T08:45:43Z
學年度: 107學年度第二學期
開課老師: 張秀樺
課程名稱: 管理學
系所: 企業管理學系, 商學院

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