題名: 姻緣忌慧:晚婚成因的探討
其他題名: A Study on the reasons for late marriage
作者: 龔于涵
關鍵字: 變異數分析
Analysis of variance
Two-sample t test
multiple comparisons
late marriage
系所/單位: 統計學系, 商學院
摘要: 中文摘要 在教育還沒有普及的年代,大多數人很早就結婚了,不管是男生或是女生,幾乎20多歲就已經結婚生子,相對來說,我們生活在一個充滿知識、教育的年代,婚姻對於高知識份子而言,是否有沒有那麼重要呢?我們想藉由這次的晚婚成因探討,了解更多關於婚姻、學歷有沒有直接或者間接性的關聯。 我們利用R程式,以及中位數、變異數分析、兩獨立樣本T檢定、多重比較、兩母體比例檢定方法、來比較男女與學歷之間的關聯。從中位數可看出新郎在各學歷之下,結婚年齡的中位數主要落在30~34歲之間,而專科及國小以下學歷之新郎,結婚年齡之中位數則落在30~39歲之間,顯示結婚年齡偏向晚婚的狀態。新娘則是一半落在25~29歲、一半落在30~34歲之間,顯示新娘的結婚年齡位在25~34歲之間,相對於新郎,新娘的結婚年齡有較早的現象。 根據資料顯示,可以發現男性普遍晚婚的機率都比女性還要來的高,可能是因為大多數男性認為學歷高,跟以後的薪水成正比。在這個越來越文明的時代,過去普遍的「文盲」已經少數存在在這個社會之中,新世代讀碩士、博士的觀念慢慢深植於現代人的心,照這樣的觀念在往後的年代,晚婚的年齡可能會日益增加。
Abstract In the era of when education is not popular, most people get married early. No matter boys or girls, almost of them get married at 20 years old. Now, in the age of people are highly educated, marriage seems to be not an important thing for recent people. Thus, we would like to explore the reasons of late marriage and learn the relationship between marriage and education. In this study, we use the statistical methods of median, analysis of variance, two-sample t test, multiple comparison and test of population proportion for two populations by R language for data analysis. From the medians of age of marriage, we can find that the medians of age of marriage of bridegrooms fall between 30 and 34 years old under all education levels, except for the education of college and elementary school fall between 30 and 39 years old. It indicates that the age of marriage tends to be later for bridegrooms. For brides, there are half of brides get married between 25 and 29 years old and half between 30 and 34 years old. It indicates that the brides usually get married between 25 and 34 years old, which is earlier than bridegrooms. According to the results, we can find that men are likely to marry later than women. It probably causes by the concept of higher education having higher salary. In this era of people are highly educated, the age of late marriage may be increasing.
日期: 2019-10-09T08:44:01Z
學年度: 107學年度第二學期
開課老師: 劉峰旗
課程名稱: 統計計算
系所: 統計學系, 商學院

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