題名: 同時去除電漿反應中的 揮發性有機化合物及臭氧
其他題名: The simultaneous catalytic removal of VOCs and O3 in a post-plasma
作者: 魏士偉
關鍵字: 轉化率
Post plasma
Conversion rate
Dielectric barrier discharge
Non-thermal plasma
Catalytic ozonation
系所/單位: 材料科學與工程學系, 工程與科學學院
摘要: 中文摘要 在工業界普遍使用揮發性有機物(Volatile Organic compounds, VOCs)種類眾多,該化合物對於人體、環境都是會造成累積性的後果。因此,在發展的工業當中,這些有傷害性的物質勢必不能隨意的排放。 因此藉由介電質屏障放電(Dielectric barrier discharge,DBD)之非熱電漿(non-thermal plasma,NTP)結合觸媒反應之處理機制,以電漿所產生的離子環境分解污染物,將其分解至毒性較小的分子才加以排放。該電漿反應系統所占體積較小、所需能源小、處理也較快速。但之中的缺點就在於,在系統放電的過程中,會有副產物-臭氧的生成,其該副產物也對於環境、人體都會帶來間接性的影響。 依照研究成果顯示,觸媒催化劑於post-plasma之結果會對甲苯之最終轉化率有最大效益。且甲苯轉化率也與觸媒反應之O3濃度有正向關係。因此可推斷,介電質屏障放電的高能量不但分解了揮發性有機化合物,並藉與觸媒的同時作用,分解了系統所產生的副產物,而加以利用於分解揮發性有機化合物,提升分解效率,降低污染物之毒性。
Abstract In the development of industry caused lots kind of Volatile of organic compounds(VOCs).The concentration of the VOCs influenced human healthy also damaged the environment, therefore, the procedure of the exhausting VOCs must be standard strictly. In this report, catalysts were combined with the dielectric barrier discharge(DBD) of the non thermal plasma(NTP) as a mechanism to VOCs decomposition which let VOCs becoming smaller and low toxicity molecular. The advantage of the DBD system are small volume, low energy needed, high decomposition rate. On the other hand, during the process would generate the by-product which is Ozone. This by-product also caused worse effect to human and environment. Hence, the high energy of the dielectric barrier discharge not only decomposes the volatile organic compounds, but also works with the catalyst to decompose the by-products of the system. Result show that catalysts were combined in the post-plasma that is found that not only O3 is efficiently eliminated, but also the removal of toluene is greatly enhanced due to O3 decomposition. The performance of catalysts for toluene conversion is closely related to the O3 decomposition by catalyst. Getting much energy from the plasma-catalyst intergrated system, the more effectiveness to decomposition the VOCs and reduce the gaseous toxicity.
日期: 2020-11-11T07:40:12Z
學年度: 108學年度第二學期
開課老師: 駱榮富
課程名稱: 專題討論
系所: 材料科學與工程學系, 工程與科學學院

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