DC 欄位語言
dc.description.abstract離岸風電屬於再生能源之一,台灣離岸風電的建立已雛形,其中台灣海峽具備著發展離岸風力的潛能,使台灣擁有世界級優良風場。人人皆希望能藉由強勁的風力來幫助台灣的能源發展,達到永續環保的目的,想要建立如此美好的綠色環境,除了風機基礎的設計、風扇的設計這些結構上的探討以外,對於風機需要設置在何處也是一項重點,像是離岸風場建造的地區是否為最大可能的開發區域,或是離岸風場建設的地區是否會影響漁業民生,亦或是破壞環境的生態保育呢?因此本組針對風場選址這部分,擬研探討出離岸風場選址需要考慮的各項因素。 離岸風場選址需先劃定最大可能的開發區域,此開發區域需要評估的因素包含此地區是否為最佳風能區域,並擁有足夠的風力能夠做為替代能源,提供足夠的風力能源;另外電力系統的考量也為一項重點,需要評估此地區變電站的最大發電容量,以及自設變電站的地點和海底電纜線的選擇;而位於海底的水深及地質評估會影響此地區的風機基礎型式,以及風機基礎的局部淘蝕面積;其他的限制條件主要為自然生態是否遭到破壞,以及民生漁業是否受到影響;最後本組針對氣象局統整出的十大颱風移動路徑,以及颱風的風向作為此專題主要的探討對象,因台灣已有多架風機遭受颱風的侵襲破壞,為了避免風機繼續遭受破壞,而納入此要點作為重點討論的研究。 此次專題的主要探討對象共分為五個部分,第一部分為風力的評估,尋找最大可能的開發區域,第二部分為電力系統的考量,選擇開發區最經濟之變電站以及設備;第三部分為水深及地質的評估,探討開發區之地質及水深條件,以減少成本變動,第四部份為颱風造成的影響,研擬颱風對風場選址造成的影響,評估安全區域最後,第五部份為其他限制條件,主要分為海域生態、交通運輸,以及其他台灣設置風場條件,將其做一整理。
dc.description.abstractOffshore wind power is one of the renewable energy sources. The establishment of offshore wind power in Taiwan has taken shape. The Taiwan Strait has the potential to develop offshore wind power, enabling Taiwan to have a world-class wind farm. Everyone hopes that the strong wind will help Taiwan’s energy development and achieve the goal of sustainable environmental protection. If you want to build such a beautiful green environment, in addition to the discussion on the basic design of the fan and the design of the fan, for Where the wind turbines need to be installed is also an important point, such as whether the area where the offshore wind farm is constructed is the largest possible development area, or whether the area where the offshore wind farm is constructed will affect the livelihood of fisheries and people, or damage the ecology of the environment Conservation? Therefore, this group aims at the site selection of wind farms, and plans to explore various factors that need to be considered in the selection of offshore wind farms. The location of offshore wind farms needs to first delimit the largest possible development area. The factors to be evaluated for this development area include whether the area is the best wind energy area, and it has enough wind power that can be used as an alternative energy source to provide sufficient wind energy ; In addition, the consideration of the power system is also a key point. It is necessary to evaluate the maximum power generation capacity of the substation in this area, as well as the location of the self-built substation and the choice of submarine cable; and the water depth and geological assessment located on the seabed will affect the wind turbine foundation in this area The type and local erosion area of the wind turbine foundation; other restrictive conditions are whether the natural ecology is destroyed and whether the livelihood fishery is affected; finally this group focuses on the top ten typhoon movement paths compiled by the Meteorological Bureau and the typhoon Wind direction is the main object of discussion in this topic. Because Taiwan has already suffered damage from typhoons, many wind turbines have been damaged by typhoons. In order to prevent wind turbines from continuing to suffer damage, this point is included as a key research study. The main subjects of this topic are divided into five parts. The first part is the assessment of wind power, looking for the largest possible development area, the second part is the consideration of the power system, and the selection of the most economical substation and equipment in the development zone; the third part In order to evaluate the water depth and geology, explore the geology and water depth conditions of the development zone to reduce cost changes. The fourth part is the impact of typhoons. The impact of typhoons on the site selection of wind farms is studied. The safe area is evaluated. Finally, fifth Some are other restrictive conditions, which are mainly divided into marine ecology, transportation, and other conditions for setting up wind farms in Taiwan.
dc.description.tableofcontents目錄 中文摘要 1 ABSTRACT 2 誌 謝 4 目錄 5 圖目錄 8 表目錄 9 第一章 緒論 10 1-1研究動機及背景 10 1-2研究目的 11 1-3 問題描述 12 1-3-1 風能區域 12 1-3-2 電力系統 12 1-3-3 水深及地質 12 1-3-4 十大颱風路徑 12 1-3-5 其他限制條件 13 第二章 文獻探討 14 2-1 建設離岸風場基本選址條件 14 2-1-1 風能資源條件 14 2-1-2 電力系統選擇 15 2-1-3 水深及地質條件 16 2-1-4其他限制條件-環境因素 17 2-2 颱風對離岸風場選址的影響 21 2-2-1 影響台灣的十類颱風路徑 21 2-2-2 目前台灣風機被颱風破壞之因素 23 2-2-3 台灣風機被颱風破壞之案例說明 24 2-3 總結 28 第三章 研究設計與實施 29 3-1 研究架構 29 3-2研究流程與方法 30 3-2-1 了解離岸風場基本組成 31 3-2-2 考量離岸風場選址因素 32 第四章 實證結果與分析 33 4-1 解析實驗數據 33 4-1-1 有利圖資 33 4-1-2 不利圖資 37 4-2 應用QGIS繪圖 39 4-3 利用ARCGIS分析條件 43 4-4 實驗結果的意義與結論 45 4-5 實驗結果比較 46 第五章 結論與建議 49 5-1 研究結論 49 5-2 研究建議 49 第六章 參考文獻 50 圖目錄 圖2 1白海豚棲息範圍.....................................18 圖2-2颱風十大路徑.......................................22 圖2-3蘇迪勒颱風-高美濕地................................24 圖2-4蘇迪勒颱風-石門發電站..............................25 圖2-5梅姬颱風-高美濕地..................................26 圖2-6梅姬颱風-高美濕地..................................27 圖3-1研究架構圖.........................................29 圖3-2研究流程圖.........................................30 圖3-3離岸風場基本組成...................................31 圖3-4離岸風場選址考量...................................32 圖4-1風能密度...........................................33 圖4-2等深線.............................................34 圖4-3海底纜線...........................................35 圖4-4十二海浬線.........................................36 圖4-5軍事火砲射擊區域...................................37 圖4-6其他不利因素.......................................38 圖4-7台灣底圖...........................................39 圖4-8海底纜線...........................................40 圖4-9等深線.............................................40 圖4-10軍事火炮射擊區域..................................41 圖4-11風能密度圖層......................................42 圖4-12本組分析結果......................................45 圖4-13本組分析結果......................................46 圖4-14風力地理資訊網預判場址............................47   表目錄 表 4-1分析結果------------------------------------------------44 表 4-2實驗結果分析--------------------------------------------48
dc.subjectoffshore wind farm
dc.subjectwind force, typhoon
dc.subjectwater depth
dc.subjectpower system
dc.title.alternativeExplore location of the wind field of green treasure in the Taiwan Strait Offshore wind farm

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