DC 欄位語言
dc.description.abstractWith the advancement of medical technology, the population structure of Taiwan has gradually become aging, the number of elderlies has increased year by year, and officially entered an aging society in 1993. The use of assistive devices (electric mobility scooter, electric wheelchairs, wheelchairs) by the elderly has also increased on the road. The government has made relevant responses and controls to this phenomenon, such as raising the appropriate age for car licenses and so on. However, it is undeniable that human aging is irreversible. Nowadays, here is still space for improvement in public transportation. More and more elderly unable move freely or in remote areas do not choose to take public vehicles and other transportation equipment when they go out. Instead, they choose to take private transportation equipment, and electric mobility scooter have also become one of the options. According to the law, electric mobility scooter is also classified as pedestrians, and not allowed to drive on the road. However, the sidewalk environment is incomplete, users are often forced to drive on the road. The road design that does not take electric mobility scooter into consideration is a safety threat to both electric mobility scooter users and road users. The safety of electric mobility scooter on the road is still a controversial issue. At the same time, many elderlies are not sufficiently aware of relevant laws and regulations on assistive devices, which often poses a danger to the elderly and passersby. This research collects part of the feedback from the public for future assistive devices policies. At the same time, it is also a statistical verification of the independence of each item for late-stage research reference. Therefore, this study is divided into two parts: family members of assistive device users and road users to explore the opinion of assistive device user and the rationality of relevant laws and regulations. Through questionnaire surveys to understand the popularity of electric mobility scooter and their views on electric mobility scooter, use statistical methods to analyze, and then use the Chi-square independence test and the T test to verify the correlation between the data. Based on the verification results, draw up short-term, mid-term and long-term plans, evaluate their feasibility, and make recommendations.
dc.description.tableofcontents目 次 第一章 緒論 5 第二章 文獻回顧 7 2.1 電動代步車 7 2.2 相關法規 7 2.2.1 藥事法 7 2.2.2 醫療器材管理辦法 8 2.2.3 道路交通管理處罰條例 8 2.3 資料分析 8 2.3.1 信度與效度之檢定 8 2.3.2 質化和量化資料 10 第三章 研究方法 11 3.1 卡方檢定(Chi-Square Test ) 11 3.2 T檢定 (Student’s T-Test) 11 第四章 問卷分析 13 4.1 基本資料分析 13 4.2 電動代步車的法規認知程度 14 4.3 使用頻率及普遍率 15 4.5 必備設備 16 4.6 行駛公路危險性回饋 17 4.7 輔具路權問題 18 4.8 輔具專用車道問題 19 第五章 資料分析結果 21 5.1 卡方檢定 21 5.2 T檢定 23 第六章 方案建議 26 6.1 規定考照 26 6.2 雙載規定 26 6.3 駕駛行為之規範 27 6.4 設備 27 6.5 行駛環境之改善策略建議 27 6.6 宣導建議 28 第七章 結論 29 附錄 30 參考文獻 1 圖目錄 圖1-1 台灣人口高齡化趨勢圖 6 圖1-2 研究流程圖 7 圖4-1 受訪者年齡分佈圖 14 圖4-2 本人或家屬具使用經驗受訪者年齡分佈圖 14 圖4-3 無使用經驗受訪者年齡分佈圖 15 圖4-4 本人或家屬具使用經驗受訪者對法規瞭解程度直條圖 15 圖4-5 無使用受訪者對法規瞭解程度直條圖 15 圖4-6 輔具普遍率直條圖 16 圖4-7 使用者的輔具使用頻率直條圖 16 圖4-8 雙載經驗圓餅圖 17 圖4-9 加裝設備直條圖 17 圖4-10 使用者之必備設施直條圖 17 圖4-11 非使用者認為之危險配備圓餅圖 18 圖4-12 使用道路之危險性探討圓餅圖 18 圖4-13 輔具使用者與非使用者道路行駛之危險程度直條圖 19 圖4-14 人行道環境圓餅圖 19 圖4-15 輔具使用者與非使用者路權認可程度直條圖 20 圖4-16 路權認可度直條圖 20 圖4-17 專用車道認可度直條圖 21 圖6-1 雙人座電動代步車 27 圖6-2 單人座雙載示意圖 28 圖6-3 電動代步車配備圖 28 圖6-4 路口斜坡緣石圖例 29 圖6-5 「當心高齡者」的告示牌示意圖 29 圖7-1 方案與績效、時間對應圖 30 表目錄 表2-1 Cronbach's α係數大小與可信程度表 9 表5-1 輔具用途與必配配備樞紐資料表 21 表5-2 輔具用途與必配配備獨立性檢定表 21 表5-3 輔具必備配備與其潛在危險性樞紐資料表 22 表5-4 輔具必備配備與其潛在危險性獨立性檢定表 22 表5-5 輔具被禮讓行為與車禍情況樞紐分析表 22 表5-6 輔具被禮讓行為與車禍情況獨立性檢定表 22 表5-7 輔具被禮讓行為與危險性樞紐分析表 23 表5-8 輔具被禮讓行為與危險性檢定結果表 23 表5-9 輔具被禮讓行為與路權同意程度樞紐分析表 24 表5-10輔具被禮讓行為與路權同意程度檢定結果表 24 表5-11輔具被禮讓行為與專用車道同意程度樞紐分析表 24 表5-12輔具被禮讓行為與專用車道同意程度檢定結果表 25
dc.subjectAssistive Device
dc.subjectTest of Independent
dc.title電動代步車及其它輔具使用環境 及安全性探討
dc.title.alternativeDiscussion on the environment and safety of electric mobility scooter and other assistive devices

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