題名: 正新橡膠工業經營分析報告
其他題名: CHENG SHIN Industrial Co., Ltd.
作者: 徐靖婷
關鍵字: 正新
CHENG SHIN Industrial Co., Ltd
Industry analysis
Business Management Strategies
Analysis of financial statement
系所/單位: 財稅學系
摘要: 我們研究的主題為正新工業股份有限公司的經營狀況,研究期間為2009年至2019年間。藉由財務報表以及產業分析工具探討公司的營運方針,且由行銷策略分析初步了解正新市場行銷狀況(如:SWOT、4P分析、五力分析),根據分析結果得知正新除了積極設廠擴大產能以提高自身研究技術來達到高品質的要求外,也不斷增加推銷費用來提高品牌知名度,以達到擴大市佔率的目的。 從財務報表初步分析的結果顯示,正新輪胎獲利能力在2009年至2019年間受到原料成本(如:石油波動影響)以及公司為了逹到市佔率目的進行擴廠的風險(如:印尼盾貶值造成印尼廠產生匯兌損失)的影響下,導致其獲利能力下滑,最後我們建議正新輪胎應適當的採行規避匯率風險,或投資下游相關產業進行產銷合作以提升獲利能力。
Abstract The topic of our research is to analysis the operating strategy of Cheng Shin Industrial Co., Ltd. The period of our research is from 2009 to 2019. Based on financial statements and industry analysis, we discuss operating plan of the company, and preliminary analysis of Cheng Shin’s marketing situation by marketing strategies such as SWOT, 4P analysis, and Michael Porter's Five Forces. Therefore, we can find out that Cheng Shin has not only positive established factories to expand production capacity, improved its own technology to achieve high-quality requirements, also continuously increased sales expenses to improve brand awareness and achieve the purpose of expanding market share. The preliminary analysis of the financial statements shows that the profitability of Cheng Shin from 2009 to 2019 was affected by the cost of materials (such as price of oil) and risks of expanding the factory for the purpose of achieving market share (such as Indonesian Rupiah Devaluation) resulting in a decline in its profitability. Finally, we suggest that Cheng Shin should adopt appropriate measures to avoid exchange rate risks, or invest in related downstream industries for cooperation production and sale to enhance profitability.
日期: 2021-04-28T07:05:56Z
學年度: 109學年度第一學期
開課老師: 羅勝議
課程名稱: 成本會計
系所: 財稅學系

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