題名: 互動式網路行銷代理人
作者: 楊琬婷
系所/單位: 資訊工程學系,資訊電機學院
摘要: 近年來,寬頻普及率快速的增加與網路接觸率逐年大幅提升,改變了許多消 費者的使用行為。根據資策會ACI-IDEA-FIND 所進行的「我國網際網路用戶數調 查」資料顯示,截至2005 年6 月底止,我國寬頻網路用戶數達387 萬戶,較上 一季增加約16 萬戶。網路行銷是新的趨勢。所以,我們要如何在網路上掌握住 顧客需求,並以良好的互動模式吸引顧客的注意,是目前網路行銷急欲突破的思 維。本文提出一個應用軟體代理人(software agent)的知識及合作優勢,並配合 移動行銷代理人機制來實現網路推銷的系統,稱為IMMAS(Internet Mobile Marketing Agent System)。IMMAS 最主要的目的,就是為了要和顧客建立主動 的溝通管道,並以活潑的交談方式來提昇顧客的購買慾和忠誠度。故本文在 IMMAS中規劃了一個以代理人方式所呈現的推銷員,讓網路行銷能更主動的向現 有的顧客推銷產品,避免與顧客之間過於呆板的互動。為了加入與企業顧客互動 的推銷員,以及符合多代理人的機制,在IMMAS中也規劃一套代理人知識表達的 方式—互動式劇本(Interactive Scripts),讓代理人在推銷行為上,更接近現 實人類推銷的模式與方法。
These years, there are more and more people using Internet, and the popularity of broadband network is obvious. It changes the behaviors of many customers. According to the survey that was sponsored by government, the number of broadband network user is almost 3870000 up to June 2005. It says that Internet Marketing is a new trend, so the problems of satisfying customers' need and catching their attention are eager to be solved. The topics of Internet marketing about how to be aware of the real demand of customers, and how to attract customers to the services or goods of an enterprise are becoming a critical issue in Internet marketing. Therefore, we practice an Internet Mobile Marketing Agent System (IMMAS) in this project to create a virtual salesman, and to design a architecture of interactive scripts. The main goal of this project is to proof that the IMMAS is not only a concept but also can be used in the real world. Additionally, we enhance the interaction of the system by creating a new virtual salesman. According to the scripts, the salesman can speak English, show text, respond to customer and promote products. It helps to improve customer’s desire to products and the loyalty to enterprise. Furthermore, we propose an Interactive Script mechanism as the base of human-machine interaction mechanism. This mechanism will conduct agent’s behavior and activity so that the marketing progress will be closer to human salesman behavior. In IMMAS, we can achieve the goal of diverse human-machine interactions and inter-agent interactions by designing Interactive Scripts. It is the most important part of the IMMAS that makes itself different from traditional web or e-mail facilities. With the IMMAS, we could establish an Internet marketing system with the features of rapid response, higher interactive ability, and dynamic and adaptable accessibility.
日期: 2007-11-06T02:02:23Z
學年度: 94學年度
開課老師: 林志敏
課程名稱: 專題研究
系所: 資訊電機學院

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