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顯示 1625 到 1644 筆資料,總共 15495 筆 < 上一頁   下一頁 >
Breast Cancer Classification and Biomarker Discovery on Microarray Data Using Genetic Algorithms and Bayesian ClassifierLin, Tsun-Chen2009-02-11T07:14:10Z
Bridge-connectivity Augmenting Problem with a Partition ConstraintWei, Hsin-Wen; Lu, Wan-Chen; Huang, Pei-Chi; Shih, Wei-Kuan; Hsu, Tsan-sheng2009-02-12T02:48:04Z
Bridgeless Buck-Boost PFC Rectifier with Positive Output Voltage Suitable for LED Driving謝振中11-25-19
Bring Intelligence to Object-Embedded Documents Using PrologScrip LanguageYue, Tai-Wen; Chiang, Su-Chen2006-10-24T04:47:44Z
Broadcast Scheduling for Multiple Channels in Wireless Information SystemsKe, Chih-Horng2006-11-13T01:24:32Z
Broadcast-IR:一個在資料廣播環境中的快取資料驗證方法呂永和; 李建宗2008-07-23T02:33:31Z
Broadcasting on the Alternating Group GraphHung, Hao-Shun; Huang, Hui-Ling2006-10-13T08:38:20Z
Browser SpoofingWu, Yongdong; Sheng, Xu Chang; Ma Di2006-10-16T03:29:00Z
Browser-Oriented Data ExtractionWu, I-Chen; Su, Jui-Yuan; Chen, Loon-Been2006-10-16T05:35:58Z
BRT讓台中交通甦醒?高蕾鈞; 段凱雯; 林宛儒; 黃士洋2015-07-28T07:23:32Z
Buffer Management for Relational Database SystemsChung, Jen-Yao; Haderle, Don; Teng, Jim; Huang, Tai-Yi2006-10-24T01:22:12Z
Building a DNS Ontology using METHONTOLOGY and Protégé-2000Chen, Chang-Sheng; Tseng, Shian-Shyong; Liu, Chien-Liang; Ou, Chia-Hao2006-10-24
Building full view spherical panoramas via an image-based approachChen, Ju-Wei; Huang, Shu-Cheng; Way, Der-Lor; Shen, Li-Sheng2006-10-16T08:24:12Z
Building Semantic Indexing for Image Retrieval SystemsKuo, Chin-Hwa; Huang, Yu-Tao; Lan, Yung-Hsiao; Chou, Tzu-Chuan2006-10-12T07:57:44Z
Buildingthe FeasibleSimulationPlatform SupportedwithMultipleVersions of ns-2Liang, Shih-Tsung Jr2011-05-29T15:41:37Z
Burst Traffic Shaping for Input-Queueing ATM SwitchLi, Jiunn-Jian; Lin, Jeen-Fong; Lin, Tsai-Duan2006-10-20T19:24:51Z
Bus Wrapper Design Methodology in SoCWu, Kuang-Li; Jou, Jer-Min; Shiau, Yeu-Horng2006-10-16T03:39:35Z
Business Processes Management System based on Mobil AgentKuo, Jong-Yih2006-10-24
By Using of the Gamma Variates to Analyze the performance of MC-DS-CDMA System over Selective Fading ChannelsChen, Iong-Zong; Wang, S. C.; Hsieh, Tai Wen2007-01-26T06:58:36Z