顯示 4378 到 4397 筆資料,總共 15493 筆
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題名 | 作者 | 日期 |
Web Content Recovery System | 吳嘉倡; 張簡琮倫 | 2007-11-06T02:01:24Z |
Web Document Classification based on Tagged-Region Progressive Analysis | Sung, Li-Chun; Chen, Meng-Chang; Kao, Chin-Hwa | 2006-10-18T07:53:34Z |
Web Service Deployment and Management with UPnP | Huang, Wei-Lun Jr; Lee, Tzao-Lin Jr; Liao, Chiao-Szu Jr | 2011-03-24T23:54:01Z |
Web Service-Oriented Architecture for Pharmacy Management in Mobile Enviroments | Pour, Gilda; Nguyen, Cindy; Mangoba, Reginald | 2006-10-18T03:39:32Z |
Web Services在家庭自動化及遠距居家照護之應用 | 涂嘉壽; 沈鈺翔; 林文瑋 | 2006-10-12T02:21:28Z |
Web-Based Botnet Detection Based on Flow Information | 蔡, 育洲 Jr; 林, 孝忠 Jr; 陳, 嘉玫 Jr | 2011-03-25T00:44:37Z |
Web-Based DNA Sequence Annotation Tools for Functional Genomics | Liu, Chung-Shyan; Kuo, Wei; Chang, Lan-Yang; Lin, Wen-Chang; Tung, Shih-Ping | 2006-10-22T12:10:42Z |
Web-based Interactive Module with Multiple Representations for Learning Geometry Theorem Proving | Yang, Hsi-Hsun Jr; Yin, Sheng-Kai Jr; Wong, Wing-Kwong Jr | 2011-01-10T02:16:07Z |
Web-Based Search System of Pattern Recognition for Component Patterns Database by a Novel Algorithm | Hsiaoa, Sung-Jung; Sung, Wen-Tsai; Fan, Kuo-Chin | 2006-10-24 |
Web-Based身心障礙兒童數學輔助學習系統之建置與實驗 | 張禾坤; 許芳榮; 馬成珉; 柯美如 | 2006-10-23T14:54:40Z |
Web-Cow:全球資訊網上的電腦輔助合作工作系統 | 黃耀賢; 林志勝; 王宗銘 | 2006-11-10T05:11:24Z |
Web搜尋結果視覺化介面設計 | 楊錫; 曾閔棋; 楊正仁 | 2006-10-24T01:39:31Z |
Weighted Alternative Splicing Graphs | Chang, Hsun-Chang 等 | 2006-06-08T03:25:29Z |
Weighted Autocor relation Function for Pitch Extraction from Noisy Speech | Hung, Wei-Wen | 2006-10-24 |
Well Building 健康建築指標:光的指標範疇 | 洪裕翔; 葉庭羽; 楊敦博; 楊開文 | 2021-04-23T03:18:45Z |
WGDE -- WAP Game Development Environment | Wang, Yet-Shiang; Wu, I-Chen; Tsai, Wen-Nung | 2006-10-18T07:49:08Z |
What Affects Property Rent at San Jose? | 江洋; 毛可穎; 蘇冠豪; 李絃成; Jiang, Yang; Mao, Ke-Ying; Lee, Hsuan-Cheng; Su, Kuan-Hao | 2018-04-27T08:54:37Z |
What Are the Important Factors for NBA Player Salaries in 2017? | 鄭哲睿; 朱天婕; 林翰博; 薛藝湛; 周佳玉; Zheng, Zhe-Rui; Zhu, Tian-Jie; Lin, Han-Bo; Xue, Yi-Zhan; Zhou, Jia-Yu | 2018-04-27T08:39:33Z |
What drives user to continue using e-learning: An extension of the Expectation-Confirmation Model | Lee, Ming-Chi Jr; Chen, Yi-Wei Jr | 2011-03-13T20:02:40Z |
What Factors Drive Takeovers in Australia? | Joshua Porter; Joshua Porter | 2010/08/01 |