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顯示 2857 到 2876 筆資料,總共 15493 筆 < 上一頁   下一頁 >
L(2,1) Labeling For Regular GraphsLai, Yung-Ling Jr; Hung, Shih-Jia Jr2011-03-06T19:33:36Z
La incorporación del CEMA Aprendiendo a Aprender" al plan de estudios y su efecto en el aprendizaje de español de alumnos universitarios sinohablantes"羅珮瑄12-05-19
LA NEW 顧客購買意願調查王孝裕; 彭婉婷2007-11-06T01:53:52Z
LA NEW顧客購買意願調查王孝裕; 彭婉婷2006-04-18T18:10:02Z
Lane Change Detection and its Application to Suspicious Driving Behavior AnalysisChen, Sin-Yu; Hsieh, Jun-Wei2008-08-05T02:37:52Z
Lane Mark and Drivable Area Detection Using a Novel Instance Segmentation Scheme林昱成01-14-19
Language, Gender, and Power in The Color Purple: Theories and ApproachesPi-Li Hsiao2012/10/31
Large-Scale Interactive Walkthrough over the WebHu, Weng-Tzung; Liu, Shing-Min2006-10-24
Laser Frequency Stabilization Using a low-cost Arduino Microcontroller林泰生12-05-19
Laser Frequency Stabilization Using a low-cost Arduino Microcontroller周哲仲12-05-19
LEADS: Language for Exploiting Architectural and Design SpecificationsBharath, Kumar M.; Srikant, Y. N .2006-10-27T07:55:44Z
Learning generative models of handwritten digit imagesWu, Jiann-Ming; Lin, Zheng-Han2006-10-24T01:00:42Z
Learning Optical Flow Features with Deep Learning for Micro-expression Recognition梁詩婷05-20-19
Learning to Map Query Terms to Document Categories is Adaptive Information RetrievalLiu, Rey-Long; Chien, John2006-11-13
LED創意之電子數位時鐘設計與製作葉俊廷; 張舜博; 黃億欣; 王筱薇; 林采潔2010-11-12T02:24:50Z
Lee-Chiu 使用智慧卡之遠端身份認證法的改良Hwang, Shin-Jia; Chen, Wen-Yi2006-10-16T08:55:29Z
Legion Structure for Quorum-Based Location Management in Mobile ComputingsYang, Ming-Jeng; Yeh, Yao-Ming; Chang, Yao-Ming2006-10-16T03:18:07Z
Levi’s牛仔褲推廣行銷陳泰年; 林君涵; 涂凱妮; 呂嘉祥; 曾鴻儒; 黃郁琇; 李佩霞2008-08-28T07:09:50Z
LEXUS服務據點之地點規劃與分析曾彥維; 莊舒閑; 楊旻勳; 謝政哲; 陳怡雯-
License or Entry in Duopoly with Quality Improving Innovation: Alternative Definitions of License FeeMasahiko Hattori; Yasuhito Tanaka2017/02/01