顯示 3282 到 3301 筆資料,總共 15495 筆
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題名 | 作者 | 日期 |
P2P SVC-encoded Video Streaming Based on Network Coding | 李, 昱憲 Jr; 鄧, 鴻毅 Jr; 黃, 仁竑 Jr | 2011-03-24T23:40:17Z |
P2P網路借貸平台:On Deck Capital, Inc. | 紀冠銘; 陳志偉; 吳柔瑩; 楊蕎瑜; 潘登道; 熊冠傑 | 2016-10-07T00:58:57Z |
P2P網路去污染檔案容錯機制之研究 | 洪人傑; 王宗一; 鍾哲民 | 2008-08-07T02:24:05Z |
PAA:Pre-Allocation Assignment of Orthogonal Variable-Spreading-Factor Codes in W-CDMA | Huang, Pei-Wei; Li, Chien-Feng | 2006-06-28T01:06:30Z |
Packet-Level Naïve JPEG2000 Information Hiding Using Redundant Packet Insertion Technique | Liu, Chiang-Lung; Lee, Chien-Chung; Lin, Shih-Wei | 2009-02-11T08:46:31Z |
PACS系統之乏晰鏈路建立程序 | 孫黎芳; 劉仲鑫; 詹鴻吉; 陳純陞 | 2007-01-09T03:24:10Z |
Pan-Tompkins演算法 : 濾波器設計 | 林伯彥 | 2020-11-13T00:46:10Z |
Panasonic 廚餘機行銷策略分析 | 柳佳吟; 蔡孟涵; 徐珮慈; 洪霈芯; 陳佩琪; 朱昕儀; 朱映慈 | - |
Panconnected properties and pancyclic properties of the k-ary n-cubes | Fang, Jywe-Fei; Feng, Shr-Cheng; Huang, Yu-Chieh | 2008-07-22T07:25:38Z |
Pancycle problem of crossed cube with conditional fault | Hung, Hao-Shun; Fu, Jung-Sheng; Chen, Gen-Huey | 2007-01-26T01:16:03Z |
Pancycles of the Pyramid Network with One Node or One Edge Fault | Chen, Yi-Ching; Duh, Dyi-Rong | 2006-06-13T08:00:48Z |
Pancyclic Properties of the WK-Recursive Networks | Fang, Jywe-Fei; Feng, Shr-Cheng; Huang, Yu-Chieh | 2008-07-22T07:18:39Z |
Panoramic Stereo Imaging System with Automatic Disparity Warping and Seaming | Huang, Ho-Chao; Hung, Yi-Ping | 2006-10-30T01:27:06Z |
PARA PARA舞帶動唱 | - | 2008-01-22T01:55:00Z |
PARA PARA舞帶動唱,期望新的一年大家能充滿活力 | - | 2008-01-22T01:53:58Z |
Parallel Algorithms for Finding the Center and the median of Interval and Circular-arc Graphs | Hsu, F. R.; Shan, M. K. | 2006-10-16T03:19:27Z |
Parallel algorithms for the hamiltonian circuit problem in convex bipartite graphs and circular convex bipartite graphs | Liang, Y. | 2006-10-17T08:30:50Z |
Parallel and Pipelined VLSI Architecture Designs for Distributed Arithmetic-Based Recursive Digital Filters | Hwang, Yun-Tsung; Su, Ching-Long | 2006-10-31T09:08:00Z |
Parallel Computations of the Two-way Wave Equation | 林賢龍; 蘇賢鈞 | 2006-11-09 |
Parallel Computin Model of Nondeterministic Finite Automata via Artificial Neural Networks | Chen, Chun-Hsien; Chang, Her-Kun | 2006-10-17T07:01:20Z |