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V & A British sponge cakes李侑珊; 趙偵伶; 劉旻蕙; 葉品儀; 吳佩君; 黃翊婷-
Valuation of Standard Options under the Constant Elasticity of Variance ModelRichard Lu; Yi-Hwa Hsu2005/08/01
Value-added SIP-based VoIP Service陳俊明; 葉哲華; 吳坤熹2006-06-06T06:24:02Z
Variation of Access Control Policy for Two-queue ModelKu, Cheng-Yuan2006-11-13T02:05:42Z
Vectorization using Bresenham llinesJian, Lijung; Chu, Jiang-Hsing2006-10-17T09:20:29Z
Vehicle ECU Classification and Software Architectural ImplicationsSee, Win-Bin2007-01-25T06:25:33Z
Vehicle Re-Identification in Surveillance EnvironmentLan, Kuen-Ming; Chuang, Jen-Hui; Wu, Zhe-Wei2009-02-12T07:31:17Z
Vehicular Network Integration of VANET with NEMO ConsiderationLi, Chung-Sheng; Lin, Ueet; Chao, Han-Chieh2009-01-10T04:41:37Z
VEIP:一個用於資訊處理之視覺化環境Liao, Hsien-Chou 等2006-05-30T08:35:37Z
Velocityalteration Strategy For Collsion-Free Trajectory Planning of Two RobotsJu, Ming-Yi; Liu, Jing-Sin; Hwang, Kao-Shing2006-10-26T03:19:14Z
Venture Capital and Risk in High-Technology EnterprisesGavin C. Reid; Julia A. Smith2003/12/01
Version-based Microservice Analysis, Monitoring, and Visualization薛念林12-02-19
Vertex fault tolerance for edge-bipancyclicity of hypercubeHung, Chun-Nan Jr; Lin, Yu-Chun Jr2011-02-21T23:26:58Z
Very thin gold films deposited on collagen fabric for skin cell recovery何主亮05-19-19
VG-Based Mobicast:A Mobicast Routing Protocol Based on Virtual Gridfor Wireless Sensor NetworksLue, Ren-Yuh; Yu, Gwo-Jong2006-10-13T06:51:10Z
VGE-A New Communication Platform for the General PublicLin, Hui; Gong, Jianhua; Zhao, Yibin; Zhang, Zongyu; Tsou, Jinyeu2006-10-18T11:04:55Z
Vibration sensor based IOT system for foot-wear manufacturing張明倫11-29-19
Vibration sensor based IOT system for foot-wear manufacturing王啟昌11-29-19
Vibration sensor based IOT system for foot-wear manufacturing袁長安11-29-19
Video Content Representation and Indexing using Hierarchical StructureLee, Suh-Yin; Wu, Chi-Yi; Chen, Duan-Yu2006-11-17T06:51:51Z