DC 欄位語言
dc.date111 學年度第二學期zh_TW
dc.description.abstract「防疫保單之亂」從 2019 年底開始,新冠肺炎引發了一場全球性流行疫 病,快速地擴散到全球各地,讓新冠肺炎成為了人們聞風喪膽的全球性大瘟 疫,台灣如今也有了破千萬人確診, 2020 年富邦產險搶先一步將防疫保單送 交金管會審查,4 月,金管會核准通過,由於性價比不合乎民眾的需求,加上 台灣當時疫情控制完善,導致這張保單在市面上流通率不高,無人問津。同時 2020 年底台灣產物保險公司(以下簡稱台產)也推出因應新冠肺炎而設計的全新 保單「500 元,隔離、確診 10 萬」,採定額給付而且保單內容明白易了,才逐漸引發民眾的關注,同時也成為新聞的話題。當時台灣的確診人數也相對較少,在政府與指揮中心的宣導下,出門戴口罩、勤洗手消毒、保持防疫 1.5 公尺安全距離,保持 0 確診的佳績,讓防疫保單這個東西較乏人問津,但 2022 年底,台灣終究抵擋不住病毒肆虐入侵,疫情急升溫,大量的確診病例如雨後春筍般冒出,這個一年只要新台幣 500 元保費,一旦被居家或集中隔離、隔離治療或是檢疫,就可以向保險公司申請高達 10 萬元新台幣理賠的保單逐漸被這個市場所接納,並隨著一個一個的案例發生,人心惶惶,這份保單銷額步步高升,最終被眾人捧在手心上,這就是防疫神單的由來,也是日後引發「防疫保單之亂」的起源。隨著兩三年的時光過去,台灣也處於與病毒共存的時代,防疫保單之亂的發生始末究竟是如何?整起事件全都是是保險公司的問題嗎?還是身為主管機關的金管會也要一起負起相關責任?zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe "Pandemic Insurance Chaos" began in late 2019 when the outbreak of COVID-19 initiated a global pandemic that rapidly spread across the world, making COVID-19 a worldwide epidemic causing fear and concern. Taiwan, too, saw over ten million confirmed cases. In 2020, Fubon Property and Casualty Insurance took the initiative to submit pandemic insurance policies for review to the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC). In April, the FSC approved these policies. However, due to their unfavorable cost-benefit ratio and Taiwan's effective pandemic control measures at the time, these policies did not gain much traction in the market. Simultaneously, towards the end of 2020, Taiwan's property insurance companies introduced a new policy specifically designed for COVID-19, offering NT$10,000 coverage for a mere NT$500 premium. This policy gained attention due to its straightforward terms and gradually became a hot topic in the news. With Taiwan's relatively low case count at the time, diligent adherence to government and command center guidelines, such as mask-wearing, frequent hand washing, and maintaining a 1.5-meter safe distance, ensured a record of zero local infections. As a result, the pandemic insurance policy did not attract much interest initially. However, by the end of 2022, Taiwan succumbed to the virus's relentless spread, with a surge in confirmed cases. The policy offering NT$10,000 compensation for a premium of just NT$500, covering home or centralized isolation, quarantine treatment, or isolation, gradually gained acceptance in the market. With each passing day, as more cases emerged, anxiety grew, and this policy's sales soared. Eventually, it became highly sought after, giving birth to what we now know as the "Pandemic Insurance Chaos." As two to three years have passed, Taiwan finds itself in an era of coexisting with the virus. How did the Pandemic Insurance Chaos unfold? Is the entire event solely the fault of insurance companies, or does the Financial Supervisory Commission share some responsibility?zh_TW
dc.description.tableofcontents中文摘要 1 Abstract 2 第一章 研究動機 5 第二章 公司之產業介紹 5 第三章 防疫險風險辨識 9 第四章 風險管理及風險評估之建議說明 9 第五章 結論 12 參考文獻 13zh_TW
dc.subjectCOVID-19 insurance claims cause chaoszh_TW
dc.subjectinsurance claims cause chaoszh_TW
dc.title.alternativeCOVID-19 insurance claims cause chaoszh_TW
dc.contributor.department風險管理與保險學系, 金融學院zh_TW
dc.description.instructor洪麗淇, 麗淇-
dc.description.programme風險管理與保險學系, 金融學院zh_TW

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