DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorCheng, Jiin-Chiou
dc.contributor.authorChen, Jiun-Ming
dc.contributor.authorLaih, Chi-Sung
dc.description.abstractMetering schemes were rst suggested by Naor and Pinkas in 1998 in order to decide the advertisement charge for website server. They can be applied widely in the measure of impact for websites. Several popular portal sites usually charge the advertising expense with its impact. So, secure metering scheme should have a necessity of existence in modern commercial for exhibiting impact accurately. Up to now, most metering schemes may achieve the measure of impact; however, they all have some shortcomings, e.g. vulnerability for collusion attack, and lack for veri cation of shadow. In this work, we endeavor to construct a scheme without the above aws, and propose a novel and secure metering scheme in which there are several features worthy to notice: security against collusion attack, veri able shadow, and shadow-self-update. We give a complete analysis of security for the proposed scheme, including its re- sistance to active attacks and passive attacks. Also the evaluation of performance of our scheme is displayed. From the viewpoint of security and convenience, our proposed scheme is superior to the other existing ones.
dc.relation.ispartofseries2008 ICS會議
dc.subjectModied Weil Pairing
dc.subjectMetering Scheme
dc.subjectVeriable Secret Shadow
dc.subjectForward Security
dc.subject.otherInformation Security
dc.titleA Veriable Secure Metering Scheme with Shadow-Self-Refreshing
分類:2008年 ICS 國際計算機會議

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