題名: 虛實通路與超媒體設計期末報告:水里蛇窯
作者: 李聖凱
關鍵字: 水里蛇窯
Nowadays people can easily find plastic products in their lives and hence deepen the dependence in them. However, people found out that more and more diseases were resulted from the plastics and now gradually focus on food safety issue. Furthermore many social organizations now start to promote environmental protection and green life, therefore we are trying to make the declined pottery industry thrive by the trend.
系所/單位: 行銷學系, 商學院
摘要: (1) 目的: 塑膠製品為人類的生活大來偌大的便利,而我們對其的依賴也日益加深,但長時間下來塑膠對人體的傷害逐漸發酵,人們越來越重視食品安全問題註1,眾多社會團體亦開始提倡環保,倡導綠色生活,因此我們期望沒落的水里陶業可以乘著這股風潮再現過去的繁榮景象。 (2)過程及方法: 透過環境分析,我們發現水里蛇窯業者與一般製陶業者的不同在於,他們傳承師傅對於手作的信念與堅持,並且將此理念注入每一件陶藝品中,但是在面對新世代的價值觀與塑膠產業的蓬勃發展,他們選擇由第一級產業逐漸轉型為第三級產業,業者開始研發較創新獨特的設計、提供客製化的管道,甚至想要開發新的市場,因此我們透過市場區隔,從現代年輕人中區隔出目標族群,將市場鎖定在注重生活品質並且享受生活的20~29歲年輕人,而為了讓水里蛇窯融入新的世代,我們將重新定位水里蛇窯。 (3)結果: 我們給予水里蛇窯全新的定位「窯身一變‧burn to be young」,宣告品牌的年輕化,並利用網路媒體、實體的活動來加強蛇窯與新世代之間的溝通與連結,深入年輕族群,顛覆水里蛇窯傳統的印象,為大眾帶來全新的觀感。
Nowadays people can easily find plastic products in their lives and hence deepen the dependence in them. However, people found out that more and more diseases were resulted from the plastics and now gradually focus on food safety issue. Furthermore many social organizations now start to promote environmental protection and green life, therefore we are trying to make the declined pottery industry thrive by the trend. (2) Through environmental analysis, we found Shueili Snake kiln is completely different to other pottery companies and has its unique characteristics such as, the masters insist on the beliefs of hand-made and put the faith into each piece of pottery. In order to keep the trend, they had transited their industry from first stage to third stage, developed innovative design, and provided customized products. Moreover we found that Shueili Snake kiln wanted to develop a new market. So we analyzed the characteristics of the modern young people and differentiated our target group, finding out that the age of the target group is between 20-29 years old who emphasis on the quality of life .Due to these, we reposition the Shueili Snake kiln from tradition into modern. (3) At last, we gave Shueili Snake kiln a new position ‘burn to be young’ which declares the brand rejuvenation. To enhance the relationship between Snake kiln and new generation by online media or physical activities, subvert the traditional impression of pottery and give a new style. These are how we improve the Shueili Snake kiln in the project.
日期: 2015-05-31T05:17:26Z
學年度: 102學年度第二學期
開課老師: 何晉瑋
課程名稱: 虛實通路與超媒體設計
系所: 行銷學系, 商學院

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