題名: 擇偶偏好的必需品以及奢侈品
其他題名: The Necessities and Luxuries of Mate Preferences
作者: 葉珮玲
關鍵字: 擇偶偏好
Mate Preference
系所/單位: 經濟學系, 商學院
摘要: 我們藉由這一次的研究,探討大學生希望另一半具有哪一些特質?真如古人所謂說的郎「才」女「貌」?靠臉真的能當飯吃嗎?「門當戶對」真的重要嗎? 本文以逢甲大學的學生為對象,探討大學生擇偶偏好的現況。我們首先隨機抽樣25位大學生,關於他們最在乎未來另一半需要擁有的特質,然而經由歸納整理出大學生最在乎的10項特質,分別是:「外貌」、「身高」、「未來規劃」、「家庭背景」、「收入」、「幽默」、「運動習慣」、「價值觀」、「體貼」、「內涵」。其次,再找25位大學生做前測,確定受試者了解問卷內容。最後發放正式問卷301份,回收256份,捨棄無效樣本之後,真正有效樣本有223份。 正式問卷設計採用Li,etc,(2002)擇偶幣的方法,並運用「個人背景資料調查表」、「擇偶特質偏好量表」為研究工具,分析在30枚擇偶幣(低預算)以及60枚擇偶幣(高預算)有限資源之下比較出哪一些特質是擇偶條件中經濟學的必需品以及奢侈品。經由實驗結果發現,真有郎才女貌一事。男大學生最重視擇偶特徵的前三名為「外貌」、「內涵」、「價值觀」;女大學生最重視擇偶特徵的前三名為「價值觀」、「收入」、「外貌」。然而在投資偏好中最不重視的前三名為「家庭背景」、「運動習慣」、「身高」。 最後我們歸納出對於男性而言「外貌」、「幽默」、「體貼」、「內涵」是必需品,「身高」、「未來規劃」、「家庭背景」、「收入」、「運動習慣」、「價值觀」是奢侈品;對於女性而言「外貌」、「身高」、「收入」、「幽默」為必需品,「未來規劃」、「家庭背景」、「運動習慣」、「價值觀」、「體貼」、「內涵」為奢侈品。
What kinds of characteristics would college students hope their mate have? Does male students with characteristics of wealth and/or talent really attract female students? Is male students with characteristic of beauty really great significance for female studens? Is it important for couples coming from families of equal socio-economic status? In this study, by selecting Feng Chia University students as samples, we would like to observe their mate preferences. First, we survey 25 students ramdonly about what kind of characteristics that their future mate required, and summarize the top 10 characteristics, including Appearance, Height, Future Plan, Family Background, Wealth/Income, Humor , Exercise Habit , Values, Considerate, Connotation. Next, we make questionnaires and do the pretest for 25 students to make sure that they understand the content. Finally, we sent out 301 formal survey, deduct invalid ones and finally leave 223 valid samples. Based on Li, etc. (2002), we compare the limit resources of 30 spouse coins (low budget) and 60 spouse coins (high budget), to analyze which characteristics are necessities or luxuries of mate preference. Evidences show the top 3 characteristics male students focusing on are Appearance, Connotation, Values, and the top 3 characteristics female students focusing on are Values, Income, Appearance. On the countary, the top 3 characteristics that students don’t focus on are Family Background, Exercise Habit ,Height. That means characteristics of wealth and/or talent for male students are really important for female students, and female students who are beautiful attract really male students. Finally, we conclude that for male students, Appearance, Humor, Considerate, Connotation are necessities, Height, Future Plan, Family Background, Wealth/Income, Exercise Habit, Values are luxuries. For female, Appearance, Height, Wealth/Income, Humor are necessities, Future Plan, Family Background, Exercise Habit, Values, Considerate, Connotation are luxuries.
日期: 2016-01-18T03:19:18Z
學年度: 104學年度 第一學期
開課老師: 李文傳
課程名稱: 綜合專題研究
系所: 經濟學系, 商學院

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