題名: 金融倫理服務報告:黑貓行動
其他題名: Financial ethics service report : Black Cat Action
作者: 蘇盈如
關鍵字: 社會服務
Black Cat Action
Social services
系所/單位: 財務金融學系, 金融學院
摘要: 這個「黑貓行動」報告的目標是落實社會服務,服務的對象族群是喜愛貓咪族群的大眾,希望透過為此活動製作的宣傳影片,讓大家知道活動內容及活動宗旨,吸引更多人來參加活動,並且幫忙宣傳相關的重要理念,達成愛護動物的目標。配合農曆9月9日(新曆10月9日)重陽節(週日)這一天的意義,大夥號召999隻黑貓與飼主共同聚集於台中的活動地點,共同爭取金氏世界紀錄的認證,這個活動的宗旨一是藉由黑貓行動的曝光,爭取企業的認同與捐款資源,來成立能夠永續經營的貓咪血庫;宗旨二是建立起黑貓的全球族群文獻庫。小組成員經過親自手繪、收音、剪接……等等過程,製作出兩部影片,一部是黑貓行動的宣傳廣告,另一部影片的內容,則是希望能夠引發大眾深入去思考這方面議題的影片。
This report is based on the ideas of social services. We hope to organize people together who are into cats through the Black Cat Action. We also hope more people can be encouraged to devote themselves to this activity, and help express correct ideas for animal protection further to other people. With the efforts from our team members, drawing, dubbing, filming, editing… by ourselves, two home-made films are created in order to fulfill our service purposes. The first one is a trailer for promoting our Black Cat Action, the second one is designated to make people think a step further on this issue. On August 9th of the lunar calendar, we will unite 999 black cats and their owners in Taichung and hope to break a Guinness World Record. Donations from enterprises are expected to help build an exclusive blood bank and a global-wide literature database for black cats.
日期: 2016-10-07T00:47:42Z
學年度: 104學年度 第二學期
開課老師: 王佳真
課程名稱: 金融倫理
系所: 財務金融學系, 金融學院

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