題名: 神農箸
其他題名: Shennong Chopstick
作者: 洪佳偉
關鍵字: 環保筷
Reusable Chopsticks
Temperature Sensing
Chopsticks for Beginners
3D printer
Laser Engraving Machine
系所/單位: 資訊工程學系, 資訊電機學院
摘要: 我們的專題主體是一個能夠感測溫度又能矯正姿勢的環保筷子,在溫度變化的同時、3D列印的透明筷子殼內部裡的三色LED燈會隨著溫度的變化而有顏色上的漸層呼吸,在溫度過高時還會有蜂鳴器以固定的頻率警告著使用者。這項專題的目的除了能夠響應綠色地球的環保概念又能夠矯正小朋友使用筷子的錯誤姿勢、最重要的是還能夠感測溫度而即時的反應給使用者知道,如此一來就能避免食用了過燙的食物、烤肉時食用了內部沒熟的肉品或是先天性無痛症患者食用溫度過高的食物而傷害自己。我們的專題主要是由兩個主電源開關(一個控制總電源、另一個控制蜂鳴器)、一個能警告溫度過高的蜂鳴器、8x8 LED矩陣來顯示溫度、溫度感測器來檢視溫度、主機Arduino板、3D列印技術的透明染料筷殼、雷射切割技術的機殼組合而成的。這個專題可以說是完成得相當成功,雖然我們的作品結果不是完全完美、因為礙於技術問題專題本身體積相當地龐大,但是如果我們能有足夠的技術及資金,有希望能夠縮小體積且開模節省成本並大量生產出售。
The major of this project is a pair of Reusable chopsticks which can detect temperature and regulate the way we hold chopsticks. When the temperature is changed, the color of LED inside chopsticks would be changed for warning. If the temperature is too high, the buzzer would warn users by stable frequency. The purpose of this project is to respond environmental concept of green earth. The most important is detect temperature and react to user immediately so that we can avoid injuries from over-heated food or food which is not done yet, and avoid patients who suffer from Congenital Insensitivity to Pain from high temperature. Our project is combined by two main power switches (one control general supply and the other control buzzer), a buzzer can warn us when the temperature is too high, 8*8 LED matrixs to show the temperature, a temperature detector to detect temperature, an Arduino for host, transparent chopsticks shell by 3D Printing technology, and the chassis by Laser Engraving Machine. The project is quite successful. Our works is not perfect yet, due to the technical isnt there so the size of the chassis is huge. If we have enough technology and funds support, we can absolutely reduce its size volume and cut costs substantially, then mass-produce and sell it.
日期: 2017-03-06T08:28:40Z
學年度: 105學年度 第一學期
開課老師: 蔡明峰
課程名稱: 計算機概論(一)
系所: 資訊工程學系, 資訊電機學院

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